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2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
denharn Endowed Chair at the University of Louisi- board-level participation in NAfME, Eastern ACDA
ana Monroe. Bowers has taught music education class- Region, and NCCO. A recipient of a Surdna Fellow-
es and choirs, provided honor choirs in Canada, Africa, ship for her creative work, Jones’s credits include sever-
and conducted regional ACDA honor choirs. She also al solo recordings, original musicals and commissioned
directed the ACDA middle school honor choir in 2009. works for soloists and choral ensembles. Jones is an in-
In 2014, Bowers was named a Lowell Mason National formal composer-in-residence with New Voices New
Music Education Fellow by NAfME; and in 2023, the Orleans, the Crescent City’s new community-based
Florida MEA inducted her into the Florida Music Hall youth chorus.
of Fame.
Robyn Hilger is the national executive di-
rector of ACDA. She brings a wealth of
experience in administration, fundrais-
The New Canon Project: ing, grant writing, and strategic innova-
When Partnerships Bring New Works tion to her work. She is a national board-
from New Voices to Developing Vocal Ensembles certified teacher and was named the Teacher of the
Year for the State of Oklahoma in 2007. Hilger began
her career as an instrumental music teacher. Prior to
Saturday 9:00 am - 9:50 am joining ACDA, she served as the director of commu-
nity engagement for ReMerge of Oklahoma County.
First United Methodist Church ReMerge is a leader in developing solutions in crimi-
Upper Room (3rd Floor) nal justice reform specifically focused on women facing
felony offenses who are mothers. She teaches advocacy
and policy, as well as nonprofit finance, as an adjunct
The New Canon Project is a model for stepping out professor in the MA in Nonprofit Leadership program
of silos and joining forces. Through a unique partner- at Oklahoma City University.
ship between ACDA, the American String Teachers
Association, Rising Tide Music Press, and ArrangeMe,
the New Canon Project champions emerging Black
and Latinx composers and will result in twenty-four The Score Study and Rehearsal Techniques
new works in the last two years. Session participants
will hear Cohort 1 & 2 choral works and learn from of Margaret Hillis
cohort composers about this experience. Learn how
collaboration between composers and mentors, disci-
plines, and associations fosters community and ampli- Saturday 10:00 am - 10:50 am
fies new voices. This work is provided with generous First United Methodist Church
support from The Sphinx Venture Fund.
Allyssa Jones is the executive director
of Rising Tide Music & Arts, Inc., and This session will explore the choral methods of Mar-
serves as director of vocal ensembles and garet Hillis, the founder and first conductor of the es-
assistant director of the School of Music teemed Chicago Symphony Chorus. Hillis developed
at the University of South Florida. Her methods of score study and rehearsal techniques that
thirty-year career in arts education includes positions have raised the level of choral singing in America to
with Boston Arts Academy, Boston Public Schools, de- a refined professional level. Her disciplined approach
cades of work as a DEIA presenter and consultant, and to preparing a score provides the basis for rehearsal
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5 63