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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                March 18-22, 2025                                             Dallas, Texas

                    Marques L. A. Garrett (he/him) is asso-
                    ciate  professor of choral studies at  the
                    University of North Texas. He is an ac-
                    complished vocalist and composer, with
                    his works available through several pub-
        lishers and performed by festival/honor, all-state, pro-
        fessional, and college/university choirs such as the Los
        Angeles Master Chorale and the Oakwood University
        Aeolians. He regularly serves as a choral clinician and
        guest conductor for festival and honor choirs through-
        out the country. He is an active researcher with pub-
        lished articles and presentations on the choral music   Creek  High School choral  program, which also in-
        of Black composers and rehearsal techniques for state,   cludes the Apollo Contra Ensemble (advanced tenor/
        regional, and national conferences.                 bass), Giovani Voci (beginning treble), Meistersingers
                                                            (beginning  tenor/bass),  and Bel  Canto  (intermediate
                    Susan Kelly is co-director  of choirs at   treble). The Stewarts Creek Choirs are one division of
                    Stewarts Creek High School in Smyrna,   the  Stewarts  Creek  Fine  Arts  Academy,  which  offers
                    Tennessee. Previously, Kelly was the di-  a collaborative, conservatory-style education within a
                    rector  of choral  activities  at  Tennessee   public high school. In 2023, Athena  was selected  to
                    State  University. She  serves as the  as-  perform at TN-MEA.
        sociate  conductor  for Vox Grata  Women’s Choir in
        Nashville and as the adult choir director at Saint Paul’s
        Episcopal Church in Murfreesboro. Kelly is also in de-              Voices Unleashed:
        mand as a guest conductor, having recently conducted
        regional and all-state choirs across the Southeast and           Empowering Students in
        Northeast. She is a past president of TN-ACDA and                Contemporary A Cappella
        serves as chair of choral performance assessment for
        Middle Tennessee Vocal Association.
                                                                        Friday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
                    Brian Russell is co-director of choirs at           Moody Performance Hall
                    Stewarts Creek High School in Smyrna,
                    Tennessee. Previously, Russell was assis-                  Auditorium
                    tant  professor of music  at Illinois Wes-
                    leyan University (Bloomington) and Ho-    Join us for a hands-on workshop designed to equip
        bart  and William  Smith  Colleges  (Geneva, NY). He   choral directors with the skills and knowledge to guide
        serves as executive  music director  of Murfreesboro’s   students in expressing themselves through contempo-
        Ethos Youth Ensembles and director of music at St.   rary a  cappella.  Using members of a  professional a
        Andrew Lutheran Church in Franklin. He remains an   cappella group to demonstrate, participants will gain
        active guest conductor, having been an invited clinician   the tools necessary to teach students how to indepen-
        for regional and all-state choirs across the Southeast,   dently handle every aspect of a cappella performance,
        Midwest, and Northeast. He serves as the state choral   from selecting repertoire to arranging, beatboxing, and
        performance assessment coordinator  for  TN-ACDA.   creating choreography. This session will draw on tra-
                                                            ditional  choral  foundations and pedagogy, honoring
           The  Stewarts Creek High School  Athena Treble   bel canto singing, while embracing innovative methods
        Choir is the flagship treble ensemble of the Stewarts   and styles of contemporary a cappella.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           65
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