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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                March 18-22, 2025                                             Dallas, Texas

                                                            Are we teaching singers the pedagogy behind their in-
                    Writing for ACDA Publications           strument  in clear, concrete  terms? Additionally, how

                                                            can we bridge what can be a disconnect between sing-
                                                            ing in a choral ensemble and singing in applied lessons?
                   Wednesday 4:30 pm - 5:20 pm              By bringing concepts and skills from voice pedagogy
         National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe   into the choral rehearsal, conductors can better sup-

                           Grand Salon                      port their singers in their vocal development.

                                                                        Amy Johnston Blosser  served for nine
           This interactive clinic is designed to help potential        years on the  ACDA National Board as
         authors on their path to publication. Amanda Bumgar-           the Repertoire & Resources Committee
         ner, ACDA publications editor, will lead  the  session.        chairperson  and was  the  2023 national
         Participants are invited to bring an idea, an outline, or      conference  chairperson for  auditioned
         a work in progress. After an introduction, the publi-  choirs. She has helped plan nine ACDA conferences.
         cations editor will facilitate a Q&A with members of   Under her direction, Bexley High School has  per-
         the  Choral  Journal editorial  board about  submissions   formed for NAfME and ACDA conferences, including
         and the review process. During the second half of the   ACDA performances in 2012, 2016, and 2020. Blosser
         session, attendees can meet individually with editorial   was selected for the 2015 ACDA International Con-
         board members to discuss their articles.           ductors Exchange Program with Sweden. She is associ-
                                                            ate director of music at First Community and artistic
                    Amanda  Bumgarner  received degrees     director of Bexley Choral Society.
                    in English  and religion  from Greenville
                    University  (Greenville, Illinois).  She has        C. Andrew Blosser, DMA, serves on the
                    almost  two decades of professional and             voice faculty at The Ohio State Univer-
                    freelance  editing  experience  and  has            sity, and is the director of music at First
         worked with hundreds of authors on books and arti-             Community Church. Blosser is a featured
         cles of all genres. She lives in Oklahoma City and has         soloist with orchestras  and ensembles
         worked at the ACDA National Office since 2013.     throughout the United States, specializing in oratorio.
                                                            Highlights include Vaughan Williams’s On Wenlock Edge
                                                            (Carpe  Diem  String  Quartet),  Handel’s  Messiah  (Co-
                     You Are the Voice Teacher:             lumbus Symphony Orchestra), and Bach’s St. Matthew
                                                            Passion (Bach Society of Dayton). In 2013 he served as
                Teaching Technique in Choral Singing        cantor for services at the Berlin Cathedral and as solo-
                                                            ist for Mozart’s Missa Longa at the Salzburg Cathedral.

                    Thursday 1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
         National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
                           Grand Salon

           “Blend. Drop your jaw. Straight tone. Darker.” Most
         have heard one of these phrases before, but do these
         ideas really help inexperienced  singers?  What termi-
         nology can we use to provide clarity, connects concepts
         in a relatable way, and takes away some of the mystery?

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           67
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