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Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
2025 2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)
March 18-22 Dallas, TX
Baylor Symphony Orchestra Baylor University
A Cappella Choir
The Baylor Symphony Orchestra (BSO) is an en-
semble of artistic excellence, where musicians will find
an environment of camaraderie, motivation, and inspi- Established in 1909, the Baylor University A Cap-
ration through a variety of repertoire from all periods, pella Choir has enjoyed a vibrant history, performing
and where they can grow professionally and artistically. at many major concert venues throughout the United
BSO has performed at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in States. Comprising the most advanced choral musicians
Charleston, South Carolina; at the College Orchestra at Baylor, its core priorities include fellowship, growth,
Directors Association; and eight times at the Texas excellence, and artistry. Performances abroad include
MEA Convention. BSO has taken tours of Costa Rica the British Isles, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and
and Belgium and has won the American Prize for Or- South Korea. Conferences invitations include National
chestra Performance four years in a row. ACDA, Southwestern ACDA Region, and Texas MEA.
In 2020, the Baylor A Cappella Choir was named win-
Miguel Harth-Bedoya, Emmy Award- ner of the American Prize Collegiate Division.
winning and Grammy-nominated con-
ductor, is director of orchestral studies at Kristina Caswell MacMullen serves as the
Baylor University. Previous positions in- Mary Gibbs Jones Chair of Music and di-
clude chief conductor of the Norwegian rector of choral activities at Baylor Uni-
Radio Orchestra, and music director of the Fort Worth versity. She conducts the Baylor A Cap-
Symphony Orchestra and the Auckland Philharmonia pella Choir, Chamber Singers, and leads
in New Zealand. Recent guest engagements include the graduate program in choral conducting. Prior to
the Philadelphia Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony her appointment at BU, MacMullen served on the fac-
Orchestra, National Orchestra of Taiwan, Melbourne ulties of the University of North Texas and The Ohio
Symphony, and the Metropolitan Opera. He has es- State University. MacMullen has conducted all-state
tablished The Conducting Institute to teach the funda- and honor choirs throughout the United States, and
mentals of conducting to students ages high school and she has presented and co-presented interest sessions at
up. In the fall of 2025 he will join the Shepherd School state, regional, national, and international conferences.
of Music at Rice University as distinguished resident Her editions are published by Boosey & Hawkes and
director of orchestras and professor of conducting. MusicSpoke. She earned degrees from Michigan State
University and Texas Tech University. MacMullen
sings with the professional ensemble mirabai.
18 CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5