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ACDA NATIONAL       Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                     March 18-22, 2025                                                                 Dallas, Texas

                                          Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)
                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX

         devote their time and considerable talent to rehearsals            Dallas Symphony
         and performances with the Dallas Symphony, as well                 Children’s Chorus
         as appearances across the United States and with or-
         chestras in venues around the world. The chorus trac-
         es its origin to an early 1977 meeting between DSO
         Music  Director  Eduardo Mata,  Managing  Director
         Lloyd Halderman, and University of Texas at Dallas
         Chancellor Bryce Jordan. Mata asked that a large-scale
         permanent vocal ensemble be created to make possible
         regular performances of major choral works with the
         orchestra. The DSC’s first performance took place un-
         der Mata’s direction at the Music Hall at Fair Park on
         September 23, 1977, with a performance of the Mo-
         zart Mass in C minor.

                    Anthony Blake Clark is director  of the     The Dallas Symphony Children’s Chorus, led by ar-
                    Dallas  Symphony Chorus. He  is in de-  tistic director Ellie Lin, builds upon the rich history and
                    mand by both amateur and professional   practice  of choral  singing established in the  Greater
                    choral artists and serves as chorus direc-  Dallas region,  including the  Dallas Symphony Cho-
                    tor for the Dallas Symphony and is music   rus through its over forty years of service. The DSCC
         director of Baltimore Choral Arts. He has worked with   provides a multi-tiered choral curriculum for children
         prestigious orchestras such the Berliner Philharmoni-  and youth in grades four to twelve, with a continued
         ker, Baltimore Symphony, Chicago Symphony, Vienna   emphasis on artistic excellence and representation of
         Radio Orchestra, and the Richmond Symphony Or-     Dallas’s diverse communities.
         chestra for esteemed conductors such as Marin Alsop,
         Fabio Luisi, and Sir John Eliot Gardiner. He and his           Ellie Lin is artistic director of the Dallas
         choirs have performed at the Berlin Philharmonie, Vi-          Symphony Children’s Chorus. She  also
         enna Konzerthaus, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, The Ken-           serves  as  artistic  director/conductor  of
         nedy Center, and the Washington National Cathedral.            the Great Land Choral Society and a fac-
         Clark completed a master’s degree at the United King-          ulty member at Texas Music Conserva-
         dom’s University of Birmingham.                    tory. At the DSCC, Lin oversees the artistic and admin-
                                                            istrative staff, and leads choruses for performances in
                                                            stand-alone concerts, community appearances, concert
                                                            tours and participations in Dallas Symphony Orches-
                                                            tra  concerts.  Lin’s  choirs  have  performed  in  Austria,
                                                            Germany, China, Taiwan, Argentina, Canada, and in
                                                            almost every state in the United States. She received
                                                            both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the East-
                                                            man School of Music.

        14      CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                   Volume 65  Number 5
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