Page 19 - CJJan25
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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                 March 18-22, 2025                                              Dallas, Texas

   Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)

        in choral performance by the University of Pretoria.   a sought-after judge for high-profile national and inter-
        Barrett is an active composer and arranger whose mu-  national events. In recognition of his work in fostering
        sic is published internationally by Santa Barbara Music   cultural  exchange  between  Indonesian  and  Austrian
        Publishers and Walton Music. He is regularly invited   musicians, he was  awarded Austria’s  Decoration of
        to conduct honor choirs, present workshops and lec-  Honor in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria.
        tures, and adjudicate choral competitions both locally
        and abroad. He is the co-producer of Capital Singers,
        South Africa’s largest community choir project.
                                                                          Saturday Night Finale

                Batavia Madrigal Singers-Indonesia                   Jake Runestad’s Earth Symphony

                                                                       Saturday 8:00 pm - 8:45 pm
                                                                       Meyerson Symphony Center

                                                                        Jake Runestad  is  an Emmy-winning
                                                                        and Grammy-nominated composer and
                                                                        conductor. He has received commissions
                                                                        and performances from leading ensem-
                                                                        bles and organizations such as VOCES8,
           Batavia  Madrigal  Singers  (BMS),  Indonesia’s  re-  Washington National Opera, the Philippine Madrigal
        nowned choir, has set a high standard both nationally   Singers, the Netherlands Radio Choir, the Munich Ra-
        and internationally since it was founded in 1996. Un-  dio Orchestra, the National Chorus of Korea, the Dal-
        der the direction of Avip Priatna, BMS performs an   las Symphony Chorus & Orchestra, the Los Angeles
        impressive range of styles, from classical and folk to a   Master Chorale, and a Grammy-nominated all-Runes-
        cappella and vocal symphonies. In 2022 they won the   tad album from Conspirare called The Hope of  Loving.
        European Grand Prix for Choral Singing. Collabora-  In  2019  he  became  one  of  the  youngest  composers
        tions with renowned orchestras, including Tübingen,   awarded  ACDA’s  Raymond  C.  Brock  commission.
        Macau  Orchestra,  Orchestra  Ensemble  Kanazawa,   Dubbed a “choral rockstar” by American Public Me-
        and  Südwestdeutsche  Philharmonie,  reflect  BMS’s   dia, Runestad is one of the most frequently performed
        commitment to excellence  and cultural  exchange    composers in the world and has traveled to work with
        through music.                                      ensembles on all but one continent.

                    Avip Priatna, Indonesia’s foremost con-
                    ductor, studied orchestral  and choral
                    conducting  at  the  University  of  Music
                    and  Performing  Arts  Vienna  (MDW),
                    Austria. Priatna led both BMS and The
        Resonanz Children’s Choir to victory at the European
        Grand Prix for Choral Singing in 2022 and 2018, re-
        spectively. Regularly awarded Best Conductor and Best
        Song Interpreter at global choral stage, Priatna is also

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           17
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