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2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
t E
ange T
oth T
urple T
Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)
continues to set high standards in choral music, inspir- Kelsie Quintana is a graduate of Sam
ing audiences with their musical excellence and pas- Houston State University, where she
sion. earned her bachelor’s degree in music
education and her MM in choral con-
Daniel Gutierrez, the head choir direc- ducting. Under her direction, the Mc-
tor at Nixa High School, is an acclaimed Cullough Junior High Chamber Choir was selected to
conductor, clinician, and speaker nation- perform as an invited choir at the 2024 TMEA Con-
wide. He has earned several prestigious vention. Before teaching at McCullough, Quintana
awards, including Teacher of the Year was the director at Stewart Elementary, where she was
for Springfield Public Schools, a finalist for the state named teacher of the year. Choirs under her direction
award, the Springfield Rotary Award for Community have received consistent sweepstakes at UIL, as well as
Service, and honors from the Springfield Business Journal’s superior rating, best in class, and distinguished perfor-
40 Under 40. Gutierrez has received the Missouri Cho- mance awards through various festivals.
ral Directors Association Podium Award. His choirs
frequently win at music festivals and have performed at
regional and national ACDA events and the National
Conference for MS/JH Choral Music. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Concert Choir
McCullough Junior High School
Chamber Choir
The UW-Madison Concert Choir is the premier
choral ensemble in the Mead Witter School of Mu-
sic. Comprising the most advanced upper-level under-
The McCullough Junior High Varsity Chamber graduate singers in the school of music, this flagship
Choir consists of around seventy auditioned students group performs works that span the entire breadth of
who are incredibly dynamic and hardworking. This the choral literary tradition. Concert Choir has had a
choir includes a diverse group of students all in eighth distinguished history of conductors that include Don-
grade, most of whom are involved in various other ald Neuen, Robert Fountain, and Beverly Taylor. Un-
programs in and outside of school. These students are der the leadership of Mariana Farah, Concert Choir is
resilient representatives of the McCullough choir pro- expanding its repertoire to include works by composers
gram values, and many of them hold student leader- of various ethnic backgrounds, historical periods, and
ship roles on campus. This ensemble spends a lot of impact in shaping our common humanity.
time outside of the school day striving to develop trust,
comradery, community, and a sense of belonging.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2025 Volume 65 Number 5 21