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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                 March 18-22, 2025                                              Dallas, Texas

 t E
 ange T
 oth T
 urple T
     Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks) )
        students, it  comprises freshmen through seniors, less   lence in performance. The Cantanti Singers comprise
        than half of them music majors. The group annually   singers  grades  8-12,  representing  communities  and
        presents a five-concert season, which has included full-  schools across the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan
        scale Madrigal Dinners and choral-orchestral master-  area. Led by Philip Brown, the Cantanti Singers has
        works such as Carmina Burana and Ein deutsches Requiem.   performed for state/regional/national conferences and
        Commissioning new compositions and traveling inter-  for special events hosted in the twin cities. The Angeli-
        nationally are integral parts of the group’s tradition. In   ca Cantanti Youth Choirs organization was voted “Best
        2013 the Singers were named the national winners of   Community  Choir  in  Minnesota”  by  WCCO-TV  in
        The American Prize, College/University Division.    2019.
                    James Rodde, the Moen-Hamilton Pro-                 Philip Brown is the high school choir con-
                    fessor and director of choral activities at         ductor for the Angelica Cantanti  Youth
                    Iowa  State  University,  Ames,  conducts           Choirs.  He  holds  degrees  from  Bethany
                    the Iowa State Singers, the Iowa States-            College and Northern Arizona Universi-
                    men, and teaches choral conducting and              ty. Choral groups under Brown’s direction
        literature. Choirs under his direction have toured inter-  have  performed  on  state/regional/national  confer-
        nationally and have been honored with performances   ences and festivals, receiving many awards and recog-
        at six ACDA national conferences. He has been the ar-  nition. Brown has been a part of commissioning over
        tistic director of the Des Moines Choral Society since   thirty  choral  works  in his tenure. His choral  groups
        2003 and has conducted regional ACDA honor choirs   have also collaborated with many collegiate, adult, and
        and numerous all-state choirs, most recently in Geor-  professional choirs. Brown has received several awards
        gia. A former ACDA state president, he continues to   recognizing his teaching and conducting from commu-
        edit and arrange choral music, with several published   nity and professional affiliations.

                  Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs                       Trinity Springs Middle School
                         Cantanti Singers                                   Varsity Treble Choir

                                                               Located in Keller ISD, the Trinity Springs MS Var-
                                                            sity Treble Choir is a diverse ensemble consisting of
           Angelica Cantanti Youth Choirs is one of the old-  students who are dedicated to making beautiful music
        est children’s community choir programs in Minnesota.   while learning how to become incredible humans. Stu-
        Founded in 1980, ACYC is dedicated to providing con-  dents are also involved in band, orchestra, art, theatre,
        sistent, high-quality choral music education with excel-  sports, NJHS, student council, and yearbook, and indi-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           23
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