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February 23-26, 2022                                                      Raleigh, North Carolina

                         Signature Quartet                  professional singers from around the United States have
                                                            thriving national and international solo careers and a
                                                            love for vocal chamber music, and focus primarily on
                                                            presenting early and new music. In addition to perfor-
                                                            mances and artistic residencies, the ensemble engages in
                                                            creative educational outreach to audiences and students,
                                                            particularly in communities of color, and promotes the
                                                            study, research, performance, and recording of music
                                                            from various eras with special attention to the intersec-
                                                            tion of arts and social justice.

                                                                       Arianne Abela is director of the choral
                                                                       program at Amherst College. Abela re-
                                                                       cently served on conducting faculty at
           Signature Quartet is an ensemble that enjoys creat-         Wayne State University in Detroit, MI,
        ing barbershop harmonies and singing with their unique         and is founder and director of the Detroit
        “Barber Soul” sound. This South Florida quartet per-  Women’s Chorus and Detroit Justice Choir, ensembles
        forms a variety of musical genres including Soul, R&B,  dedicated to social justice and community empower-
        Pop, and Jazz. Each member had an introduction to  ment. Abela received her doctorate in conducting from
        four-part harmony through youth outreach programs  the University of Michigan, an MM from Yale Universi-
        sponsored by the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS).  ty, and BA from Smith College. She sings professionally
        Signature Quartet has been together since September of  in ensembles across the United States and Canada.
        2013. They are the 2015 Sunshine District Champions
        as well as the current BHS International Quartet Cham-
        pions. Members are Paul Phillip Saca, Tenor; Daniel P.             Oakwood University
        Cochran, Lead; Dan Walz, Bass; and Will Rodriguez,
        Baritone.                                                              The Aeolians

                       Friday Night Concert

                   Kaleidoscope Vocal Ensemble

                                                              The Aeolians of Oakwood University was original-
                                                            ly organized in 1946. Since its inception, the choir has
                                                            toured extensively, performing at venues throughout the
                                                            United States and internationally. Aeolian performances
           The Kaleidoscope Vocal Ensemble presents vocal  present a repertoire of choral music that ranges from

        music with the highest artistic excellence while celebrat-  the Baroque era to the twenty-first century. They have
        ing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. Each of the nine  become an authoritative exponent of Negro spirituals

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                                                           Volume 62  Number 5            61
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