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2022 ACDA Eastern Region Conference
Concert Choirst Choirs
African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas Boston Conservatory at Berklee
St. Thomas Gospel Choir Choir
The St. Thomas Gospel Choir (STGC) is from the
Historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in
Philadelphia, PA. The STGC currently consists of 60
spirit‐filled, energetic, singers, ministers, and musicians
of all ages and backgrounds. The choirs membership The Boston Conservatory at Berklee Choir is a tre-
represents over 10 different area churches. The STGC ble chorus comprised primarily of voice performance
shares their music ministry at over 100 services, pro- majors. As one of two curricular undergraduate choral
grams, concerts, and celebrations of all kinds every year. ensembles at the Conservatory, the choir regularly per-
The STGC has performed for the installation of the last forms in esteemed venues including Old South Church
two Episcopal Church Presiding Bishops. and Sanders Theatre. Recent highlights include featured
performances as part of Harvard University’s Rising
Walt Blocker attended the High School for Voices Festival and the annual Living Voices/Living
the Creative and Performing Arts in Phil- Songs concert series featuring premieres of student
adelphia, PA; the Westminster Choir Col- works and invited guest composers.
lege in Princeton, NJ; and The University
of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA. In 1991, Nathan Reiff is a faculty member in the
Blocker was called to direct a gospel choir at the his- choral department at Boston Conservatory
toric African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Phila- at Berklee, where he conducts choirs and
delphia. This concept and idea of gospel music started teaches choral literature. He also serves as
a change in worship for the entire Episcopal Church resident conductor of the Harvard Glee
worldwide. Club and music director of Newton, MA-based hospice
choir JourneySongs. Reiff holds an MM in choral con-
ducting from the University of Michigan and a BM with
distinction from Yale University. He is a DMA candidate
at Yale University.
CHORAL JOURNAL January 2022 Volume 62 Number 5 13