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          experience singing the music.     to create that environment, the re-  3  Dreaming a Just and Equitable
                                            sults are astounding. In this session,   Choral Future with VOICES21C
          Shireen Abu-Khader and            presented in collaboration between
          William Culverhouse, presenters   directors and student officers, we will  Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                            look at ways to build student leader-  North Meeting Room 206
          Zanaida Stewart Robles, presider  ship, and in turn strong communities
          Chair, California State R&R for    in choral programs of any size, age
          Composition                       level, or background. Whether you    VOICES21C imagines the choir
                                            are just starting down this path, or are   as a locus for creativity, compassion,
                                            looking for fresh ideas for a program   justice, resistance, empowerment, and
           2  Building a Culture            that is already established, this session   equity. V21C strives to create a space
          of Student Leadership             will have something for you and your   that engages participants to ponder
                                                                               and act to build a just and equitable
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          students.                          future. In our session, members will
          North Meeting Rooms 201-204       Sarah Leaman and Wesley Roy,       discuss, demonstrate, and engage
                                            presenters                         participants in improvisation, cre-
            When students feel part of a safe                                  ative play, community building, vi-
          environment, learning is possible.   Justin Chase, presider          sual storytelling, and narrative-based
          When students  use leadership skills  State President-Elect, Florida  programming for choral practice.

                                  P r e s b y t e r i a n   A s s o c i a t i o n   o f   M u s i c i a n s
                               Worship  &Music

                                   Conference                                  JUNE 18 -23 & JUNE 25-30

                                                                                 Montreat, North Carolina

               VictorJohnson             Jason Max             Mark Burrows           Elisa Dekaney
                 Middler Choir Clinician  Ferdinand             Children's Choir Clinician  Senior High Clinician
                                          Adult Choir Clinician

              Sandra Eithun             Eric Wall       Nathaniel Gumbs               R E G I S T R A T I O N
                                                                                          I S   O P E N !
                  Handbell Co-Director   Service Musician        Organ Recitalist
                       Brian Childers          Tony McNeill
                           Handbell Co-Director    Service Musician

                         P R E S B Y M U S I C . O R G / 2 0 2 3 C O N F E R E N C E

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            81
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