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                        Eugene Thamon Simpson  was a         ton. From 1960 to 1995 he built a choral program of
                        versatile musician known for his abili-  national renown and taught two generations of choral
                        ties as a conductor, arranger, singer, and   musicians who continue to carry the torch. In addition
                        pianist. Regarded as a child prodigy, he   to holding many positions of leadership in local and
                        went on to pursue music professionally,   state organizations, Dave was a board member of IFCM
                        graduating from Howard University as   in its early years and served ACDA as president of the
          the “Most Distinguished Student in Applied Music”   western division and later as national president. He was
          and from Yale University, where he received a second   particularly known for his work with Helmuth Rilling
          undergraduate degree as well as a master’s degree in   at the Oregon Bach Festival from 1973 to 1989. On the
          piano performance. His doctorate is from Columbia   home front, he brought his skills to the service of church
          University.  He was  an  expert  on  the music  of Hall   music throughout his career.
          Johnson and wrote his biography, published in 2008
          by Scarecrow Press: Hall Johnson: His Life, His Spirit, His      Guy Webb led the choral program at
          Music. Dr. Simpson served as music department chair              Missouri State University for thirty-
          at Glassboro State College, now Rowan University, and            four years, during which his choirs
          taught at Virginia State College, conducting their Choir         performed at regional and national
          at a national ACDA conference in the early 1970s.                ACDA conferences and undertook
                                                                           many domestic and international tours.
                        Carmen-Helena Téllez,  a native      Previous teaching positions included those at the Uni-
                        of Venezuela, most recently taught at   versity of Florida, the State University of New York at
                        Notre Dame University (appointed in   Cortland, and New Mexico State University. He served
                        2012), where she founded the doctoral   ACDA in several roles, most notably as Southwest Re-
                        program in choral conducting. She was   gion President 2004–2006. He was editor and author
                        a champion of contemporary music and   of Up Front: Becoming the Complete Choral Conductor (ECS
          also developed new approaches to classical music presen-  Publishing Group), a frequently-referenced resource in
          tation by exploring the relationship of music to other arts   the profession. When he died at the age of 90 in 2021,
          and technology. As a doctoral graduate of the University   he left wonderful memories as a kind-hearted gentleman
          of Indiana, she won the Julius Herford Dissertation   with a love for people, and a sense of humor that always
          Award from ACDA in 1991. Also a composer, she wrote   elicited smiles from colleagues and students.
          A Dance for Seurat, which was premiered by the South
          Bend Symphony in January 2022.  An advocate for Latin
          American music, she commissioned and recorded new
          works, producing fourteen CDs and organizing several
          Inter-American Composition Workshops. She is the first
          woman on record to conduct Berlioz’s Grande Messe des
          Morts (Indiana University, 2000).

                        David  Thorsen,  a Michigan native
                        and WWII Navy veteran, spent his
                        entire professional life in California.
                        After earning a Masters under Howard
                        Swan, Dave taught high school and
                        community college for eight years and
          was appointed an inaugural faculty member at the new
          Orange County State College—later Cal State Fuller-

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