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Springs, NY). She received her DMA in choral con- Pearl Prize Winner
ducting from Indiana University, where her dissertation
advisors included Dr. Carolann Buff and Dr. Giuliano
De Bacco. She holds a DMA in choral conducting from Ellen Gilson Voth is an award-
Indiana University, an MM in choral conducting from winning composer whose works are
the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, widely published and frequently com-
and MME and BME degrees from the University of missioned and performed by choirs
Hartford’s Hartt School of Music. across the United States. Voth con-
ducts college/university, professional,
and community choirs, and credits her teaching expe-
Outstanding Student Chapter Award rience and her performing experience as a keyboard
artist and singer as important influences on her writing
for the voice. Standing Tall is a four-minute work for
The Outstanding Student Chapter Award was estab- 2-part treble choir and piano, commissioned by Dr.
lished by the American Choral Directors Association Jennifer Kane in memory of a deceased young friend
in 1978 as a means for recognizing an ACDA student of her family. Its text was written by Dr. Voth, mixed
chapter which, through its activities, best supports the with affirming statements written by singers from Dr.
advancement of choral music. Criteria considered Kane’s Handel and Haydn Society Youth Choruses.
include (1) the level of impact on the professional devel- Regarding this collaboration, Dr. Voth says, “It was our
opment of its chapter members, (2) the level of impact hope that Standing Tall would prompt vital conversa-
on the local/state/regional choral community in which tion about the fresh start each day offers, and the in-
the chapter resides, and (3) innovative and engaging herent worth of every person. The need for eloquent,
offerings presented by the chapter. The award will be powerful and accessible choral music that speaks to
presented on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 pm. singers’ emotional well being has never been greater.”
Past President’s Award Winner Robert Shaw Choral Award Winner
Lynne Gackle recently retired as the Donald Neuen is the distinguished
director of choral activities at Baylor professor of music emeritus at the
University and the Mary Gibbs Jones University of California, Los Angeles,
Professor of Music Chair. She holds where he established the doctoral pro-
degrees from LSU (BME) and the Uni- gram in choral conducting. In 2013,
versity of Miami (MM/PhD). An active Neuen received UCLA’s prestigious
choral clinician, Gackle has held various positions with award of “Distinguished Professorship.” In 2015, at
ACDA and TCDA and currently serves as the ACDA the age of eighty-three, he retired from his position as
Past-National President. Recognized for her research on conductor/minister of music for the internationally
the female adolescent voice, she is the author of Finding televised Hour of Power Choir. Prior to his positions
Ophelia’s Voice, Opening Ophelia’s Heart and is a contribut- at The Eastman School of Music and UCLA, Neuen
ing author for other books. She was awarded Baylor’s previously served on the faculty at the Universities of
Outstanding Faculty Award in Research (2012) and the Ball State, Georgia State, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
highly coveted Texas Choir Masters Award (2021). His conducting experience includes teaching all levels
of public school music, church, community, symphony,
chamber music, and opera.
Robert Shaw was a major force in Neuen’s develop-
CHORAL JOURNAL February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book Volume 63 Number 6 149