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General Information                          Continued on next page

            Home Office                     Northwestern Region                DIC Liaison:
                                            President                          Arreon Harley-Emerson (E)
                                            Steven Zielke
          P.O. Box 1705
          Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1705      Southern Region President           National Committee on
          405-232-8161 phone                Stanley Roberts
                                                   Advocacy and Collaboration
                      Southwestern Region
                                            President                          Chair
                                            Jeffrey A. Murdock                 Emily Williams Burch
           National Board of Directors
                                            Western Region President           Jeffrey Benson
           Executive Committee              Michael Short                      Riikka Pietiläinen Caffrey
                                                                               Alex Gartner
          President                                                            Tim Westerhaus
          André Thomas                        2023 Conference Committee

          Vice President                    Conference Chair                    National Committee on
          David Fryling                     David Fryling (E)                   Composition Initiatives

          Past President                    Assistant Conference Chair
          Lynne Gackle                      Penelope Cruz (E)                  Chair
                                                                               Dan Forrest
          President-Elect                   Conference App & Technology
          Edith Copley                      Mark Boyle (E)                     Brandon Boyd
                                                                               Robert Bode
          Secretary/Treasurer               R&R Coordinator:                   Katie Houts
          Tom Merrill                       Gretchen Harrison (SW)             Joni Jensen

          Executive Director                Honor Choirs:
          Robyn Hilger                      Jared Berry (E)
                                                                                National Committee on
                                            Interest Sessions:                  Diversity Initiatives
           National Board                   Jace Saplan (W)

          National Chair,                   Auditioned Choirs:                 Arreon Harley-Emerson
          R&R Committee                     Amy Blosser (MW)
          Gretchen Harrison                 Invited Choirs Advisor:            Ahmed Anzaldúa
                                            Marques Garrett (MW)               Noël Archambeault
          Industry Representative                                              André de Quadros
          Oliver Scofield                   Performance Logistics:             Mari Esabel Valverde
                                            Stan McGill (SW)                   Joshua Palkki, advisory member
          Eastern Region President
          Christopher Kiver                 Receptions & Awards:
                                            Margie Camp (SW)
          Midwestern Region President
          David Puderbaugh                  Immersion Choirs:
                                            Julie Yu-Oppenheim (SW)

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            159
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