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          ment as a choral conductor; Shaw became his teacher,   NEA, and as Northwestern Region ACDA President. He
          musical advisor,  mentor,  employer, and dear friend.   worked closely with Frieder Bernius, Eric Ericson, Rod-
          Neuen also studied extensively with choral conductor   ney Eichenberger, Robert Shaw and Morten Lauridsen,
          Roger Wagner, and with musicologists Julius Herford   and prepared choirs for James DePriest, Helmut Rilling,
          and Alfred Mann.                                    Margaret Hillis and Andrew Parrot. Bruce was a life-long
            Neuen guest conducted/lectured in Europe, Asia,   learner and teacher, an accolade he cherished.
          Mexico, Canada, and nearly every state in the United
          States, including national convention programs of                Richard Cox  was  both a stellar con-
          MENC and ACDA, which included a performance of                   ductor and also an acclaimed scholar
          the choral portions of the J. S. Bach Mass in B Minor–a          and author. He  led the choral program
          highlight of his career. The Choral Excellence Series            at the University of North Carolina-
          publishes a seven-set of videos and DVDs of Neuen’s              Greensboro to national prominence
          conducting and teaching methods, and Empower the                 during his forty-two-year tenure there.
          Choir! – Concepts for Singers. All Neuen’s works, in-  Also a dedicated church musician, he also conducted
          cluding a complete edition of Handel’s Messiah, are   professional  and  opera  choruses,  founding  Bel  Canto
          translated into Korean and published by the Miwansun   in Greensboro in 1982. He was NC-ACDA president
          Publishing Company of South Korea.                  and Southern Region President, and a member of the
            Neuen is a national patron of Delta Omicron Inter-  Research and Publications Committee for many years.
          national Music Fraternity, and a member of the national   For his leadership, he received the Lara Hoggard Award
          music honors society Pi Kappa Lambda. From his alma   from NC-ACDA, the Choral Excellence Award from
          mater, Ball State University, he is the recipient of: two   Southern Region, and inducted into the NCMEA Hall
          outstanding alumnus awards, the Dean of the College of   of Fame. He was as profound influence on generations
          Arts Award for “A Distinguished Career,” and an honor-  of students, colleagues and friends, and left a wonderful
          ary doctorate. He also received the Indiana governor’s   legacy of musical excellence following his death on De-
          highest award granted to a citizen: The Sagamore of   cember 25, 2021, at the age of 92.
          the Wabash, for “outstanding contributions to the nation
          through quality choral music.”                                   Carolee Curtright was professor
                                                                           emeritus of Music Education and Choral
                                                                           Activities at the University of Nebraska,
           Wall of Honor Inductees                                         teaching courses and conducting choirs.
                                                                           Her choirs performed for the ACDA
                                                                           North Central Region conferences, and
                        Bruce Browne (1941–2020) was pro-     she directed numerous national choral clinics and fes-
                        fessor of choral studies and voice at   tivals. Her prior experience included directing church
                        Portland State University for twenty-six   choirs and handbell choirs.  She is a published composer/
                        years, retiring there as emeritus and   arranger  with Boosey & Hawkes, Plymouth, Cherry
                        as conductor laureate of the Portland   Lane, Heritage, Lorenz, Roger Dean and the Choristers
                        Symphonic Choir. He founded the pro-  Guld. She was the founder of the Pueri Cantores Orga-
          fessional choir Choral Cross Ties and co-founded Male   nization of Choirs for Young Voices, and a community
          Ensemble Northwest. Choirs under Browne’s direction   women’s choir (Cantabile), and conducted the first Sing
          performed  at  five  National  ACDA  Conferences,  four   Around Nebraska Honor Choir.  Curtright served as
          MENC Nationals, an ISME Convention, and numer-      North Central ACDA  R&R Chair for Children’s Choirs.
          ous regional and state events. In retirement, he founded   She was recognized by her alma mater, Culver-Stockton
          Choro in Schola, whose sole purpose is to bring qual-  College, with an honorary Doctorate of Music, and
          ity choral music and mentoring to area school choral   received the Cornell Runestad Lifetime Service Award
          programs. Dr. Browne served on national panels for   from the Nebraska Choral Directors Association.

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