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          foundational books for choral directors and voice teach-  native of Murray, Utah, Ottley earned a master’s degree
          ers, including “The Choral Challenge.” He attended   in choral conducting from the University of Utah and
          Westminster Choir College, Oklahoma University, and   studied further at the Academy of Music in Cologne on
          the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague. He    a Fulbright Scholarship. He taught at Brigham Young
          was a member of the Seventh Army Soldiers Chorus,   University-Hawaii for three years following retirement.
          singing over 250 concerts across Europe. His life was
          one of constant learning, of a never-ending quest for            Robert (Bob) Scholz  served as pro-
          self-improvement, and of sharing with as many people             fessor of choral music at St. Olaf Col-
          as possible the depth of the beauty and power of mak-            lege for thirty-seven years.  During his
          ing music with others.                                           distinguished tenure, he led the Viking
                                                                           Chorus (TTBB) and the St. Olaf Chapel
                        James H. Litton,  esteemed choral                  Choir, often collaborating with the St.
                        conductor,  organist,  and  church  mu-  Olaf Orchestra to present choral-orchestral works. He
                        sician died November 1, 2022, after   was an alumnus of St. Olaf and earned his master’s and
                        battling Alzheimer’s  Disease. Litton’s   doctoral degrees in choral conducting at the University
                        choral music career spanned over sixty   of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He was a member of the
                        years. He served as music director of   St. Olaf Christmas Festival Artistic Committee. A prolific
          the American Boychoir School 1985-2001 and direc-   composer and arranger, he produced many works that
          tor of music at the Washington National Cathedral   are part of the St. Olaf repertory and also performed
          2001-2003. Previously, Dr. Litton served as organist/  throughout the country. Respected as a servant leader,
          choirmaster at St. Bartholomew’s Church (New York),   Bob Scholz made a deep impact on thousands of students
          Trinity Church (Princeton), Christ Church Cathedral   who were fortunate enough to sing under his direction.
          (Indianapolis), and Trinity Episcopal Church (South-
          port, CT). A Fellow of the Royal School of Church                Paul W. Schultz  (1938-2021) was
          Music, James was awarded honorary doctor of music                a native of Michigan. He  accrued a
          degrees from the University of Charleston and from the           distinguished career as a teacher and
          Westminster Choir College of Rider University. He was            conductor. His career began in public
          a co-founder and former president of the Association of          schools, and in 1982 he assumed the
          Anglican Musicians. James H. Litton was predeceased              position of director of choral activities at
          by his wife, Lou Ann, to whom he was married for    the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington.
          nearly fifty-five years. He is survived by four children,   His choral ensembles consistently received the highest
          their spouses, and several grandchildren.           acclaim  and  appeared  at  state, regional,  and national
                                                              conferences  of  both  MENC  and  ACDA.  Dr.  Schultz
                        Jerold Ottley directed the Mormon     also taught at Tacoma School of the Arts and Michigan
                        Tabernacle Choir (now known as the    State University. He served as conductor of Tacoma Civic
                        Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square)    Chorus, founded and conducted the Tacoma Symphony
                        1972–1999, conducting the group in    Chorus, led Tacoma City Ballet’s Nutcracker perfor-
                        more than thirty commercial record-   mances, and conducted major choral presentations for
                        ings  and numerous  majors  tours,  as   the Third World Harp Congress. In 2001, Paul founded
          well as regular concerts at the Salt Lake Tabernacle. He   Northwest Repertory Singers and served as artistic direc-
          established the annual Christmas concert tradition and   tor until June 2018. Accolades include serving as Wash-
          also appointed the first female organist at the Temple in   ington ACDA state president and receiving the ACDA
          1988.  He is credited with raising the level of the Choir   Distinguished Service Award and ACDA Northwestern
          to a more professional stature by instituting policies   Region Lifetime Achievement and Leadership Award.
          relative to membership regulations and auditions. A

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            153
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