Page 18 - ChorTeach vol14-1.indd
P. 18

Choir Practices That I Plan to Use

         After the Pandemic

         Adan Fernandez
         California Lutheran University, Chaffee College

         Glendale, California

         (Used with permission of the author)

           This past year has been extremely difficult for the choral   Our choirs learned how to perform the music. With ev-

         community since many of us, both directors and choristers,   eryone’s face looking into a camera, it became impossible
         have been let go or have dropped out, reduced in hours, or   to hide insecurities and distracting quirks as we sang. I com-
         simply reduced to just getting by. We have had to redefi ne   mend all singers who were able to take part in virtual choirs
         our jobs in order to stay relevant to our churches, schools,   for this reason. It takes courage to put one’s self out there
         and communities.                                       in this way and then to judge one’s own video. The choir
           It should be no surprise that adapting to new technology   videos forced us to connect with our music as communica-
         was absolutely critical to not only keeping our programs   tive partners. Our videos connected with people around the
         going but also for maintaining our employment status. We   world and will continue to do so, something of a surprise
         have learned about virtual choirs, editing, plug-ins, com-  for some of the singers.
         munity, prayers, practice tracks, and about connecting with   Editing future videos will also provide directors a deeper
         our choirs outside of the rehearsal. There is nothing good   understanding of how they need to shape their rehearsals.
         about Covid but, for me, adapting my choirs to the social   When I edit my singers in Logic, I see exactly how their
         distancing strategies has introduced methods of working   breath is functioning, where the tone is not supported and
         that I will keep throughout my career after the pandemic.  on pitch, etc. These factors teach us, as directors, how to be
                                                                clearer in our instructions regarding consonants, releases,
                                                                and breath. Every single note lets us learn more about our
                           Virtual Choirs                       singers in a way that hearing an entire ensemble regularly
           Thousands of virtual choirs were created during Covid.   does not.
         My choirs recorded about fourteen virtual recordings; my
         university recorded about twelve. Virtual recordings are

         time consuming and frustrating but offer many possibilities              Rehearsal Tracks
         for growth of the choir members. For example, many in my   I will continue to use rehearsal tracks. During Covid, I
         choir were forced to actually learn their parts as opposed   had to make several rehearsal tracks on my MIDI keyboard
         to relying on their section leaders or persons they usually   and Logic Pro software. I started very plainly but then used
         sang next to.                                          more plugins like Spitfire Audio for orchestral instruments

        ChorTeach   Volume 14 • Issue 1                                                   18                                              
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