Page 13 - ChorTeach vol14-1.indd
P. 13

share holiday literature with others. Whenever the festival
        is available, directors should avail themselves of the oppor-
        tunity to participate. This is especially true for those who

        are new to the profession, since it affords a great opportu-
        nity to share and learn new literature by other choirs while
        being evaluated in a professional environment.
           Hosting a choral festival requires reasonably good
        organizational skills. Often, a school will be asked by
        a sponsoring organization to act as the site host. The
        opportunity to invite a number of choirs to your campus
        or local auditorium is at once exciting and somewhat
        daunting, but observation of the mechanics of a well-
        run festival and seeking the advice of former festival host
        directors makes this process rewarding for your choir and all
        of those choirs who choose to attend. Whether you host or
        travel to a choral festival, there are few if any opportunities
        that provide so many teachable moments in an hour or
        two of performances. As your career develops, consider it
        a responsibility to yourself and your singers to perform at
        choral festivals and learn from the experience.

         ChorTeach   Volume 14 • Issue 1                                                 13                                            
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