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Book Reviews
                                                            Book Reviews

        how strikingly the red monument  and sets a “gold standard” for au-     individuals and their commu-
        appears against the San Franciscan  thors of future choral repertoire   nities … There is considerable
        landscape.                         books both in approach, organiza-    irony in this newfound interest
           The book’s title implies that Town  tion, and content.               in community music where
        discusses all of Vaughan Williams’s                                     universities and conservatoires,
        choral-orchestral works; he does not,   Ryan Kelly                      once bastions of privilege, seek
        nor does he identify why he chose    West Chester, PA                   common philosophical, moral
        and excluded the works he did. Un-                                      and pedagogical ground with
        fortunately absent are discussions of                                   community music, initially a
        Vaughan Williams’s  Toward the Un-  Engaging in Community Music:        grassroots movement in resis-
        known Region (an inspired setting of  An Introduction                   tance to those institutions that
        Walt Whitman poetry),  Fantasia on  Lee Higgins and Lee Willingham      insisted on a particular version
        Christmas Carols (popular with aca-  Routledge 2017, 191 pages          of formalised music educa-
        demic and civic ensembles), and Folk  Kindle: $35.49                    tion.” (p. xiii)
        Songs of  the Four Seasons (an accessible  Hardcover: $171.00
        work for SSAA voices and orchestra).  Paperback:  $46.75                The above excerpt from the Pref-
        Despite these omissions, Town notes                                  ace provides a solid rationale for this

        the book offers “the most extensive   “We  firmly believe that there   remarkable volume, especially to

        and rigorous study of the [composi-  is an appetite for the study    music education specialists. Higgins
        tions] under consideration” as well   of music that is intentionally   and Willingham—both academics
        as “contextual information, a musi-  participant-centred, inclusive,   themselves—are quick to point out
        cal explication, a description of the   and diverse, and in this book   the limitations of their own social,
        autograph manuscripts, and a criti-  we explore these practices and   political, and economic spheres but,
        cal evaluation of the opus” (p.1). He   values that ultimately add cul-  through real-world cases studies,
        thoroughly delivers on this promise   tural and social capital to both   provide a “space for professional
                                                                             community musicians to off er their
                                                                             voices and thus their wisdom, expe-
                                                                             rience, and expertise” (p.2).
                                     SING              July 9-15, 2023          Engaging in Community Music is in-
                                                    San Francisco Bay Area
                                     THE           Taking applications now!  fused through and through with
                                                                             this collaborative spirit, inviting the
                                  WORLD                                      reader to “extract applicable ideas
                                                                             to move forward in developing
                                                                             their own music engagement and

            FESTIVAL PACKAGE                                                 leadership” (p.xiv). This book takes
                INCLUDES:                                                    Christopher Small’s notion of “mu-
                SIX NIGHTS’
           ACCOMMODATION IN                                                  sicking” as a foundational premise;
               HOMESTAYS*                                                    namely, music is better understood
                ALL MEALS
             JOINT REHEARSALS                                                as a process (verb) rather than an ob-
               FESTIVAL AND                                                  ject (noun). Within this framework,
               WORKSHOPS                                                     musicking includes community mu-
            ENTRY FEES FOR ALL                                               sic as distinct from music education,
          MASSED CHOIRS GRAND                                                music therapy, and ethnomusicology,
           FINALE PERFORMANCE                                                thought it intersects with these (and
                  CRUISE                                                     these all intersect with each other).
                                                                                The fi rst chapter lays the ground-

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