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Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes SWV 386             By the time Dowland arrived in Rome, Marenzio was at             the Polish court, where he died in 1599.
                                                                Basil Smallman, “Schütz,” Grove Master Musician Series, ed.
        Das ist je gewisslich wahr SWV 388                      Stanley Sadie (London and New York: Oxford University             Press © Basil Smallman 2000), 14. (Hereafter, Smallman).
                                                                 It was Gabrieli’s practice to require his foreign students
                     Symphoniae sacrae III, op. 12              to compose a book of madrigals to “graduate” from
                                                                “Gabrieli U.” The exercise was less a demonstration of
        Vater unser, der du bist in Himmel                      fluency in Italian than their ability to compose music that             was in every aspect derived solely from the words—their
                                                                assonance, speech rhythm, and the opportunities the

                           Opus Ultimum                         words afforded to use pictorialism. Madrigals by three
                                                                such Gabrieli pupils—Johann Grabbe, Hans Nielsen,
        Deutsches Magnifi cat, SWV 494                           and Mogens Pedersøn—appear in Das Chorwerk, 35, ed.             R. Gerber (Wolfenbüttel: Möseler Verlag).
                                                                “Von Haus aus,” lit. “from outside the house,” i.e., a visiting
                             NOTES                            8
                                                                  Smallman, 28.
         1                                                  10
            Sagittarius is the Latinized version of his German name,       For an excellent recounting of  this confl ict, see C. V.
            Schütz, derived from the association of  his name   Wedgewood’s comprehensive book, The Thirty Years War
            (Schütz) with the constellation of Sagittarius (in German,   (London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1938; repr. Anchor Books
            Schütz comes from the noun  Schützer, which means   1961). (Hereafter, Wedgewood).
            one who protects;  Schützer was the German name for       Neue Schütz Ausgabe (hereafter NSA), vols. 23–26, ed. Wilhelm
            the constellation of Sagittarius [the archer]). Similarly,   Ehmann (Kassel: Bärenreiter Verlag). A second critical
            Michael Praetorius adopted a Latinized, humanist name,   edition, the Stuttgart Schütz Edition, was taken over by Carus
            Praetorius being the Latin equivalent of a town offi  cial   Verlag (Stuttgart) in 1992.
                                                                Schütz’s departure for Venice coincided with Elector Johann
            (Schultheiss), which was Praetorius’s family name.  12
         2                                                      Georg’s decision that Saxony would no longer attempt to
            Günther Grass,  The Meeting at Telgte © 1979, Hermann

            Luchterhand Verlag, Darmstadt; English translation   remain neutral. Saxony’s entry into the conflict led to a
            (Ralph Mannheim) © 1981 by Harcourt Brace           severe decline in the court’s support of music.
            Jovanovich, Inc., 41. (Here, Grass projects an actual      For an excellent discussion of this major event in the
            meeting of  German artists in 1947 [with the same   composer’s life, see Mara R. Wade, “Heinrich Schütz
            agenda!] three centuries back in time.)             and ‘det Store Bilager’ (“The Great Wedding”) in
          3                                                     Copenhagen (1634)” in Schütz Jahrbuch 11 (1989): 32–52.
             Joshua Rifkin, Eva Linfield, Derek McCulloch, and Stephen
            Baron, “Schütz, Heinrich”: “Grove Music Online 2001, May       Smallman, 87.
            8, 2022. Hans Joachim Moser,  Heinrich Schütz, Life and      Ibid., 79. Another trip to Copenhagen took place in 1642–
            Works (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, ca.   44, which the composer referenced in his dedication of
            1959); Allen B. Skei, Heinrich Schütz: A Guide to Research   his Symphoniae sacrae II to the King of Denmark (1647).

            (New York: Garland Press, 1981); Gina Spagnoli, Letters      In the same year, Schütz published his op. 11,  Geistliche
            and Documents of  Heinrich Schütz, 1656–1672: An  Annotated   Chor-Music, dedicated to the Thomanerchor and the city of
            Translation (Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, ca.   Leipzig.
                                                                Smallman, 142.
            1990.)                                          17
             When John Dowland visited Hesse Kassel in 1594–95,     While rhetoric monody dominates, these collections include
         4                                                  18
            Moritz recommended that he study with Luca Marenzio.   music for vocal ensembles (with and without obbligato

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