Page 28 - October.indd
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Heinrich Schütz (1585–1672): Choral Composer Extraordinaire

        en haben!” (“But have eternal life!). This is an accessi-  13–22), which frames the bulk of the text of Psalm 19
        ble, worthwhile piece of choral repertory that deserves   (mm. 23 – 92). Between these two grand tuttis, Schütz
        frequent performance.                               uses a variety of vocal scoring and textures, including
           Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes SWV 387 has a   a wonderful bit of tone painting for the closing phrase

        formal structure that invites a contrast between solo   of the fifth verse, “zu laufen den Weg.” (Figure 7)
        and tutti vocal parts, especially in the grand tutti (mm.   This passage is a prime example of the rhythmic


        26     CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                   Volume 63  Number 3
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