Page 27 - October.indd
P. 27

SWV 380: Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt á 5         and, frequently, a repeated bass line for each strophe
                                                            over which the composer writes diff erent  melodies.
        SWV 387: Die Himmel erzählen die Here Gottes á 6    SWV 380, cast in binary form (with repeats) is almost
                                                            entirely homophonic (Figure 6 ).
        SWV 389: Das ist je gewisslich wahr á 6               The example presents the second section, which be-
                                                            gins with pure homophony, but quickly shows greater

           The first (SWV 380) is one of two works that Schütz  rhythmic freedom in the inner parts, while the bass and
        specifically labeled “Aria.” Obviously not a typical solo  soprano engage in a melodic duet (mm. 18–21). After a

        aria, the designation refers to a work with a homopho-  transposed repetition of mm. 15–22, the second section
        nic texture, a variety of text-based declamatory rhythms  turns to triple meter for the text “sondern das ewige Leb-

        CHORAL JOURNAL  October 2022                                                                           Volume 63  Number 3            25
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