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the  Facets  Model,”  Music  Educators  Journal 104,  no. 1   gus 11, no. 3 (1926): 207.
            (2017): 34–39.                                  21  Erin Hackel, “Teaching Singers to Sing in All Styles: The
        10  Emily Y. Frizzell and Leah C. Windsor, “Effects of Teach-  Spectrum Method,” in Teaching Music through Performance
            ing Experience and Culture on Choral Directors’ De-  in Contemporary A Cappella, ed. Marc Silverberg, J. D. Friz-
            scriptions of Choral  Tone”  Plos  one 16, no. 12 (2021):   zell, and Deke Sharon (GIA Publications, 2020): 23–29.
            e0256587.                                       22  Julia Shaw, “The Skin That We Sing: Culturally Responsive
        11  National Association of Schools of Music Handbook 2022–  Choral Music Education,” Music Educators Journal 98, no.
            2023 (National Association of Schools of Music, 2022),   4 (2012): 75–81; Hyesoo Yoo, “Six Facets of Teaching
            90.                                                 Culturally Diverse Musics,” in The Choral Conductor’s Com-
        12  Alethea Cassandra de Villiers, “(Re)organizing the Music   panion, 224–25.
            Curriculum as Multicultural Music Education,” Interna-  23  Davids and LaTour, Vocal Technique.
            tional Journal of  Music Education 39, no. 4 (2021): 383–93;   24  Clifton Ware,  Adventures in Singing: A Process  for Exploring,
            Juliet Hess, “Troubling Whiteness: Music Education and   Discovering,  and  Developing  Vocal  Potential,  4th  ed.  (Mc-
            the ‘Messiness’ of Equity Work” International Journal of    Graw-Hill, 2006).
            Music Education 36, no. 2 (2017).               25  Davids and LaTour, Vocal Technique; Richard Miller, On the
        13  Stefanie Cash, “Middle and High School Choral Directors’   Art of  Singing (Oxford University Press, 1996).
            Programming of World Music”;  Jui-Ching  Wang and   26  Davids and LaTour, Vocal Technique.
            Jere T. Humphreys, “Multicultural and Popular Music   27  Ibid.; Christianne Roll, “The Evolution of the Female
            Content in an American Music Teacher Education Pro-  Broadway Belt Voice”; Ingo Titze, “Belting.”
            gram,” International Journal of  Music Education 27, no. 1   28  Davids  and LaTour,  Vocal  Technique; Hackel, “Teaching
            (2009): 19–36.                                      Singers to Sing in All Styles”; Ingo R. Titze, “Belting.”
        14  Tina Beveridge, “Equity in Music Education: Avoiding Cul-  29  Hackel, “Teaching Singers to Sing in All Styles,” 29.
            tural Appropriation in the Music Classroom,” Music Edu-  30  Ibid.; Christianne  Roll,  “The  Evolution  of the  Female
            cators Journal 109, no. 1 (2022): 60–62.            Broadway Belt Voice”; Ingo Titze, “Belting and a High
        15  Frizzell and Windsor, “Effects of Teaching Experience and   Larynx Position.”
            Culture.”                                       31  Hafiz Muhammad Ather Kahn, Muhammad Tahir Khan
        16  Erin Hackel, “Teaching Your Singers to Sing in ALL Styles”;   Farooqi, Atif Khalil, and Imran Faisal, “Exploring Re-
            Christianne Roll, “The Evolution of the Female Broad-  lationship of Time Management with Teachers’ Perfor-
            way Belt Voice: Implications for Teachers and Singers,”   mance,” Bulletin of  Education and Research 38, no. 2 (2016):
            Journal of  Voice 30, no. 5 (2016): 1–9; Ingo Titze, “Voice   249–63.
            Research and Technology: Belting and a High Larynx   32  Debra Gordon, “Sources of Stress for the Public School
            Position” Journal of  Singing 63, no. 5 (2007): 557–58.  Music Teacher: Four Case Studies,” Contributions to Music
        17  Meribeth Bunch, Dynamics of  the Singing Voice 5th ed. (Spring-  Education 27, no. 1 (2000): 36; Barbara Payne McLain,
            er-Verlag, 2009); Julia Davids and Stephen LaTour, Vocal   “Environmental Support and Music Teacher Burnout,”
            Technique: A Guide for Conductors, Teachers, and Singers (Wave-  Bulletin  of  the  Council  for  Research  in Music  Education  164
            land Press, Inc., 2012).                            (2005): 71–84.
        18   James C. McKinney, The Diagnosis and Correction of  Vocal
            Faults: A Manual for Teachers of  Singing and for Choir Directors
            (Waveland Press, Inc., 2005).
        19   Kenneth  D. Carper,  “The  Effects  of  Repeated  Exposure
            and Instructional Activities on the  Least  Preferred  of
            Four Culturally Diverse Musical Styles with Kindergar-
            ten and Pre-K Children” (Doctoral dissertation, Univer-
            sity of Hawai’i at Manoa, 2000).
        20  L. P. H. Eijkman, “The Soft Palate and Nasality,” Neophilogo-

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