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                                           Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                     March 18-22, 2025                                                                Dallas, Texas
                                                               pen t
                                              Interest Sessions (Open to Both Tracks) )
                                                                        oth T
                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX  In t er est S essions
        songs of resistance. Approaches to performance ped-  Demetrius Robinson will be a clinician for this session.
        agogy will be considered within the categories of the   His photo and bio are on page 37.
        spiritual and discussions about: (1) text-dialect coupled
        with International Phonetic Alphabet;  (2) ornamen-
        tation  and embellishments;  and (3)  African rhythmic                At Any Level:
        adaptations synthesized in Western art traditions. Par-
        ticipants will engage in exercises to demonstrate an un-  Developing Comprehensive Music Literacy Skills
        derstanding of these skills. These perspectives reflect
        the  affirmation  and  cross-cultural  sharing  about  the
        universal message of the human experience that is em-         Wednesday 3:30 pm - 4:20 pm
        bedded in the Negro Spiritual.                                First United Methodist Church

                    Melody Gamblin-Bullock, choral  mu-                  Upper Room (3rd Floor)
                    sic  educator  and conductor, is passion-
                    ate about promoting the artistry of the   This session aims to provide directors (in any setting
                    choral art form. She is director of choral   of the ACDA collective) with tools and tricks to increase
                    activities  at  Dallas  College-Brookhaven,   the music literacy of their choral program. The main
        where she conducts Pegasus Choral Society and Viva-  focus of the session will be the step-by-step process of
        ce Madrigals. She has conducted and performed in in-  teaching fluent music reading skills through the consis-
        ternational choral performances in Europe, Asia, and   tent development of sight-reading skills, use of music
        South America. While serving in her previous position   theory, and ear training in the rehearsal room from day
        as assistant director of the Dallas Symphony Chorus,   one. Session participants  will be taken through mini
        Gamblin-Bullock  prepared  that  ensemble  for  noted   lessons designed for every skill level of singer from nov-
        performances with conductors Thomas Wilkins, Law-   ice to expert.
        rence Loh, and Jaap van Zweden. She also prepared
        Pops concerts for James Newton Howard and Marvin                Chantae D. Pittman, director of choral
        Hamlisch.                                                       activities at Campbell High School and
                                                                        adjunct professor at Georgia College and
                    Jammieca D. Mott is assistant professor             State  University, boasts an impressive
                    and coordinator of voice at Prairie View            background with degrees from Tennessee
                    A&M University. Her students have per-  State University, VanderCook College of Music, and
                    formed roles in university productions,   the University of Georgia. With fifteen years in cho-
                    and summer programs, including The      ral music education across various levels, her expertise
        Glimmerglass Festival,  The  Chautauqua  Institution   makes her sought after as a clinician, adjudicator, and
        Voice Program, and Miami Music Festival. Mott’s stu-  music education consultant. Additionally, she excels as
        dents have also participated  in Los  Angeles Opera’s   a soprano soloist and chorister, contributing her talents
        HBCU Opera  Career  Comprehensive, The Song         to the Grammy-winning Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
        Continues with Marilyn Horne at Carnegie Hall, Met-  Chorus and the Atlanta Women’s Chorus, underscor-
        ropolitan  Opera  National  Council Auditions Finals,   ing her commitment to musical excellence and educa-
        Mostly Mozart Festival, as well as the Houston Grand   tion.
        Opera’s Young Artists Vocal Academy. Mott is active as
        a performer and conducts masterclasses and clinics for
        young singers.

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