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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                 March 18-22, 2025                                              Dallas, Texas

 t E
 ange T
 oth T
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     Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks) )
                    Brendan Jennings is the director of vocal           Chris Albanese  serves  as  associate  pro-
                    music  at  John  Burroughs  High  School,           fessor of choral conducting at the Indi-
                    of which he is an alumnus. He heads a               ana University Jacobs School of Music,
                    nationally acclaimed music program that             where  he  conducts the  Grammy-nomi-
                    features seven highly accomplished per-             nated Singing Hoosiers. He concurrently
        forming ensembles, a cutting-edge  technical theater   serves as director of the Akron Symphony Chorus. As
        program, and nearly 300 students. His choirs have won   director of The Singing Hoosiers, he has conducted
        numerous awards and made  appearances  on stages    and  prepared  collaborations  with  notable  guests  in-
        all over the world. Jennings is a sought-after musical   cluding Sylvia McNair and Sandi Patty, and has led the
        director, clinician, and vocal teacher. He received two   ensemble for performance at ACDA’s national confer-
        bachelor’s degrees and a teaching credential from the   ence. An active performer, he was previously a tenor
        University of Southern California’s Thornton School   with Chanticleer and the Santa Fe Desert Chorale.
        of Music and an MM at California State University,
        Los Angeles.
                                                                         Music in Worship Event
                  Indiana University Bloomington                      Saturday 11:15 am - 12:30 pm
                        Singing Hoosiers                              First United Methodist Church

                                                                             Duke University

                                                                      Duke Chapel Schola Cantorum

           For seventy-five years, the Grammy-nominated In-
        diana  University  Singing  Hoosiers  have  entertained
        audiences across  the  United States  and abroad with
        America’s popular song, enjoying collaborations with
        Duke Ellington, Mel Torme, Sylvia McNair, and the
        Cincinnati Pops. Housed within IU’s Jacobs School of
        Music, the ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Chris   The  Duke  Chapel  Schola  Cantorum  is  a  flex-
        Albanese, comprises approximately 100 singers repre-  ible  chamber  ensemble  auditioned  from within the
        senting over twenty majors at Indiana University. No-  100-voice Duke University Chapel Choir. Comprising
        table Singing Hoosiers alumni include Ryan Murphy   section leaders, community members, and students, the
        (creator/producer, Glee), Elizabeth Stanley (Broadway),   Schola sings in Sunday morning worship services and
        and a cappella sensation Straight No Chaser.        festival services at Duke Chapel, including All Hallows

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           35
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