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ACDA NATIONAL       Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                          2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                     March 18-22, 2025                                                                 Dallas, Texas

                                                  t E
                                                              urple T
                                            Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)
                                                                                            oth T
                                                                              ange T
                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX
        and a bachelor’s in music education. Her virtual choir   for several district honor choirs, SCVA Men’s Honor
        performance was featured at the 2022 Western ACDA   Choir, Central California Women’s Honor Choir, Tex-
        Region  Conference,  and  her  Advanced  Choir  per-  as Honor Choir Region 9, Clark County, NV Honor
        formed  at  the  2024  Western  ACDA  Region  Confer-  Choir, and at the NWACDA regional conference. He
        ence in Pasadena. In 2020 she received the Teacher of   has also conducted all-state honor choirs in North Car-
        the Year Award from Magnet Schools of America; she   olina, Tennessee, New Mexico, and Arizona.
        is also a national board-certified teacher.
                                                                  Miami Arts Studio 6-12 @ Zelda Glazer
                      Riverside City College                                  BellArmonia
                        Chamber Singers

                                                              BellArmonia is the premier treble ensemble at Mi-
           The RCC Chamber Singers have performed at the    ami Arts Studio, a performing arts magnet school lo-
        Western  ACDA  Region  Conference  in  2010,  2014,   cated in Miami, Florida. All of its members are first- or
        2020, and 2024. They have also performed at National   second-generation immigrants from Cuba, and Central
        ACDA (2011, 2017, 2021) and NCCO (2011, 2015).      and South America. The school and the vocal program
        The Chamber Singers have competed nationally and    are predominantly Hispanic, which parallels the com-
        internationally, taking first place at the California In-  munity in which the school is situated. While students
        ternational Choral Competition (2011), The Eistedd-  are exposed to a wide array of musical styles and time
        fod Choral Competition in Wales (2009), the Yeosu In-  periods in their choral literature, each time we travel
        ternational Choral Competition in Korea (2013), and   to a new place we bring a piece of Miami with us by
        the Choral Competition in Spittal, Austria (2015).  preparing repertoire in English, Spanish, and Haitian
                    John Byun  received  his  BM  from  Uni-
                    versity of California, Irvine, and his MA           Cindy Ellis is a Cuban American music
                    from  California  State  University,  Long          educator and vocalist. After immigrating
                    Beach. He is the director of choral and             from Cuba in 2005, she studied music ed-
                    vocal  activities  at  Riverside  City  Col-        ucation and became a full-time choral di-
        lege, where he directs the Chamber Singers and the              rector at Miami Arts Studio (MAS). Her
        Vocal Jazz Ensemble. He has been the guest conductor   ensembles frequently record backgrounds for television

        28      CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                   Volume 65  Number 5
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