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Contents                                                  January 2024/Volume 64, Number 5

                                                Conference Previews

                                                                                              Northwestern Region Conference

                                                        7   Headliners/Special Events            20  Interest Sessions
                                                      10   Performing Choirs                                          28   Spotlight Repertoire Sessions

                                                      18   Encounter Choirs                               32   Honor Choir Conductors

                                                                                                   Midwestern Region Conference

                                                      35   Headliners/Special Events       47    Interest Sessions

                                                      40   Performing Choirs                     59    Honor Choir Conductors
                                                          Louisville, Kentucky

                                                                        Southern Region Conference
                                                          Louisville, Kentucky
       Annual dues (includes subscription to the  Choral
       Journal): Active $125, Industry $150, Institutional      63   Headliners/Special Events       77   Interest Sessions
       $135, Retired  $45,  and  Student  $15.  Library  annual      68   Performing Choirs                     85    Honor Choir Conductors
       subscription rates: U.S. $45; Canada $50; Foreign   Louisville, Kentucky
       $170. Single Copy $3; Back Issues $4. Circulation:
                                Louisville, Kentucky
       18,000.  Main office: 405-232-8161                                            Southwestern Region Conference
       The  Choral Journal  (US  ISSN  0009-5028)  is  issued   Louisville, Kentucky
       monthly except for April, July, and December by the       87   Headliners/Special Events      112   Interest Sessions
       American Choral Directors Association. Periodicals

       postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and addi-      93   Immersion Days                            126  Honor Choir Conductors
       tional mailing office.
                                                    104   Performing Choirs
       POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
       Choral Journal, PO Box 1705, Oklahoma City,
       Oklahoma 73101-1705.                                                 Eastern Region Conference

       Since 1959, the Choral Journal has been the refereed,
       international journal of the American Choral Directors    131   Headliners/Special Events      149   Interest Sessions
       Association. Each issue features: scholarly articles,    139   Performing Choirs                         164  R&R Sessions
       anonymously  peer-reviewed  by  the  editorial  board;
       refereed articles on pedagogical or scientific issues for    147   Insight Choirs                                 166  Honor Choir Conductors
       the  choral  conductor;  refereed  articles  with  practical
       advice and ideas for the choral conductor; reviews of
       books,  recorded  sound,  and  choral  works  by  choral                                                  Western Region Conference
       experts; and editorials from association leadership. The
       January issue previews each year’s regional or national
       conference offerings. Articles from the Choral Journal
       can be found in the following online databases: JSTOR   169   Headliners/Special Events      179   Interest Sessions
       (Arts & Sciences XI Collection); ProQuest (International    171  Performing Choirs                    186  Honor Choir Conductors
       Index  to  Music  Periodicals);  University  Microfilms
       International;  NaPublishing;  RILM  (Répertoire
       International de Littérature Musicale); EBSCO music   Editorial
       index; and WorldCat. Advertising options are available
       for members and nonmembers. Cover art by Efrain              2   From the Executive Director
       Guerrero. Interior art by Tammy Brummell. Musical
       examples by Tunesmith Music <www.Tunesmithmusic.             3   From the President
       com>. Copyright 2024                                 4   From the Editor
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