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         challenging task. In this session,   6  Together We Sing: Celebrating   are  shared,  highlighting  the  impor-
         participants will sing and experi-  the Power of the Treble Chorus  tance of connectivity. Learn quick
         ence several developmental teaching                                 and easy content creation tips for
         strategies: Group Voice Placement,   Fairmont Dallas Hotel          Facebook and Instagram and how to
         Repertoire Hierarchy, Revoicing   Venetian Room                     streamline posts with Meta Business
         Treble Music (for SATB unbalanced                                   Suite. The session wraps up with a
         choirs), and the Rules for Expressive   It is the conductor’s responsibil-  ready-to-use social media calendar,
         Singing.                          ity to cultivate distinct identities and   empowering choral  programs to
                                           environments  for  each  ensemble   boost visibility and impact in today’s
         Judy Bowers, presenter            within our program, ensuring they   digital landscape.
                                           feel valued and unique. This session
         Alan Zabriski, presider           will explore ways to foster commu-  Kirstie Lisk-McCallum, presenter
         Texas Tech University             nity, inspire singers with relevant
                                           repertoire, and provide opportunities   Matthew Coffey, presider
                                           both within and beyond the treble   University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
         5  The Score Study and Rehearsal   ensemble. Repertoire will be shared
         Techniques of Margaret Hillis     that is accessible, allows singers to
                                           see  themselves  and  those  different
         First United Methodist Church     from them, all while having age-   11:15 am - 12:30 pm
         Atrium                            appropriate text that places them in
                                           a position of strength. Participants   “Making All Things New“
           This session will explore the cho-  will leave with tangible resources,   Music in Worship Event
         ral methods of Margaret Hillis, the   including  new  octavos,  curriculum
         founder and first conductor of the   strategies, and programming ideas to   OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS
         Chicago Symphony Chorus. Hillis   assist with enriching their rehearsal   First United Methodist Church
         developed methods of score study   experience and preparing the next
         and rehearsal techniques that have   generation of choral singers.   Sanctuary
         raised the level of choral singing in                               Jennaya Robison, presider
         America. Her disciplined approach   Amy Kotsonis, presenter
         to preparing a score provides the   Kevin Fenton, presider          Chair, National R&R for
         basis  for rehearsal  strategies and                                Music in Worship
         overall rehearsal planning. Hillis’s   Past President, Southern Region  Dana Effler,
         step- by-step approach will be pre-                                 First United Methodist Church
         sented, along with samples of her   7
         marked scores. During her teaching   Why Social Media is Vital      of Dallas, Chancel Choir
         career, she promoted this method as   for Choir                     Zebulon M. Highben, Duke University,
         being applicable to diverse genres   First United Methodist Church   Duke Chapel Schola Cantorum
         and levels of repertoire. It remains   Crossroads
         the gold standard.                                                  Demetrius Robinson,
                                             Discover the power of social media   Prairie View A&M University,
         Cheryl Frazes Hill, presenter     for choral programs! This presenta-  Concert Chorale

                                           tion emphasizes the vital role of an
         Leslie Manfredo, presider         engaging online presence, providing   Jennaya Robison, Chair,
         Illinois State University (Retired)  practical  tips  for  effective  use.  Re-  National R&R for

                                           search and insights from teens’ social   Music in Worship
                                           media usage and its societal impact

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            105
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