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        includes the titles of several com-  3  (re)sounding Joy:            and common shortcomings of DEI
        positions with details about voicing,   Shifting Paradigms for DEI Work   work in choral spaces—including
        instrumentation, duration, publish-  in Choral Spaces                programming that perpetuates a one-
        ers, and a bibliography. The project                                 dimensional perspective on music
        raises awareness of women choral   First United Methodist Church     by  historically  excluded  composers.
        composers and their output for vari-  Crossroads                     This session will  conclude  with  a
        ous voicings. A panel of four people                                 comprehensive list of accessible rep-
        involved in the book’s creation will   Utilizing trauma-informed and eq-  ertoire and resources  that will help
        describe the context of the project  uity-centered approaches, this session  participants shift their DEI practices
        and share video recordings from ad-  addresses common DEI program-   to create more welcoming, safe, and
        ditional contributors.             ming practices and pitfalls. Attendees  joy-centered choral spaces.
                                           will gain strategies for reframing
        Hilary Apfelstadt, Alan Davis, Lynne   or replacing potentially triggering   Alyssa Cossey, presenter
        Gackle, and Mari Esabel Valverde,   or trauma-centered music through
        presenters                         an examination of common choral   Nicky Manlove, presider
                                           practices that may be unintentionally   Tucson Girl’s Chorus
        Mary Hopper, presider              traumatizing for singers. Additionally,
        Past President, National ACDA      we will explore current challenges

                                         Choral Conducting at Eastman!

                                      Choral Masterworks:  The Brahms Requiem and the Romantic Century
                                      Faculty: William Weinert, Deanna Joseph, Daniel Bara
                                      An exploration of Ein deutsches Requiem and Nineteenth-Century Performance
                                      Practice. Enrollment limited to 14 conductors. Participants conduct the professional

                                      chorus in residence and lead the Summer Sing, an Eastman community tradition.
                                      July 7-11, 2025

                                      Eastman congratulates outstanding alumni Deanna Joseph, Allen
                                      Hightower, and Brian Russell, conductors at the 2025 ACDA National

                                      Eastman School of Music: Bach’s 340th Birthday Reception
                                      Friday March 21 | 10:00 PM
                                      The Fairmont Dallas Pyramid Bar 1717 North Akard Street, Dallas, TX 75201

                                                                      Scan here or visit
                                                           (585) 274-1074 | Toll-free: 1-844-820-3766

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            101
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