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                          2025             Saturday, March 22                           Detailed Schedule

                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX

         4  Shelter Me: Sharing Stories of   5  Switching It Up:             String Teachers Association, Rising
        Our Unhoused Neighbors through     Thoughtful Creativity in Music    Tide Music Press, and ArrangeMe,
                                                                             the New Canon Project champions
        Music                              Ministry                          emerging Black and Latinx compos-

        Moody Performance Hall             First United Methodist Church     ers and will result in twenty-four new
        Auditorium                         Atrium                            works in two years. Session partici-
                                                                             pants will hear Cohort 1 & 2 choral
           This session will feature singers   This interest session explores  works and learn from cohort compos-
        from the Dallas Street Choir, the Uni-  frameworks for fostering intentional  ers about this experience. Learn how
        versity of Texas at Dallas, the Credo  creativity in music ministry that  collaboration between composers and
        Community Choir, conductor-teach-  both speaks to and expands the con-  mentors, disciplines, and associations
        er Jonathan Palant, and composer-  gregation’s sense of their collective  fosters community and amplifies new
        lyricist Jacob Ryan Smith. Together,  musical identity. While many music  voices. This  work  is  provided with
        we  will  explore  the  transformative  professionals rely on choral repertoire  generous support from The Sphinx
        power of  communal singing and  choice as the primary vehicle for cre-  Venture Fund.
        how every choral rehearsal serves as  ativity, this session highlights other
        a beacon of connection for those too  avenues for creativity, including the   Allyssa Jones and Robyn Hilger,
        often isolated. Hear selections from  use of ensembles and soloists, hym-  presenters
        Shelter  Me:  An  Original  Rock  Oratorio,  nody, summer scholarship programs
        commissioned  by  the  Dallas  Street  that engage youth, and ideas for de-  Robyn Hilger, presider
        Choir,  which  chronicles  one  man’s  signing a concert series. This session   Executive Director, ACDA National
        sudden journey through homeless-   addresses a wide range of ideas for
        ness. His steadfast companion is an  all budgetary levels and also speaks
        older man who is well versed in the  to the role of the organist/pianist in   10:00 am - 10:50 am
        trials of homelessness.  Shelter Me is  facilitating worship.
        based on the real-life experiences of
        Dallas Street Choir members and    Elizabeth Bemis-Gatter, presenter   Interest Sessions
        offers hope and resilience in the face                                Choose from seven options
        of adversity.                      Stacy Daniels, presider
                                           President-Elect, Alabama ACDA             OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS

        Jonathan Palant, presenter
                                                                              1  Beyond the Score: Exploring
        Dallas Street Choir, the Universiity    6  The New Canon Project:    Colombian Cumbia in Choral Spaces
        of Texas at Dallas, and Credo      When Partnerships Bring New
        Community Choir,                   Works from New Voices to          First United Methodist Church
        Insight Choirs                     Developing Vocal Ensembles        Upper Room (3rd Floor)

        Amanda Hanzlik, presider           First United Methodist Church       Through experiential learning
        President, Eastern Region          Upper Room (3rd Floor)            and discussions around cultural
                                                                             understanding, this session aims to
                                             The New Canon Project is a model  examine the  significance of   Co-
                                           for stepping out of silos and joining  lombian cumbia and proposes an
                                           forces. Through a unique partner-  exciting approach to music education
                                           ship between ACDA, the American  that expands on Western European

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