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Continued on next page

        choral perspectives. We will explore   2  Lessons from Renaissance   in addition to Renaissance repertoire
        the Black and Indigenous rhythmic   Polyphony for Our Contemporary   itself. Using examples from both the
        components of  cumbia through      Choral Toolkit                    periods, participants will experience
        movement and vocal percussion,                                       rehearsal, vocalization, and conduct-
        experience call-and-response sing-  Moody Performance Hall           ing techniques that demonstrate the
        ing, and learn a representative song.   Auditorium                   vital connections between the litera-
        Following this practical exploration,                                ture of today and the wellspring of
        we will discuss the origins and trans-  The skills  of  successful  Renais-  our shared choral art.
        formations of cumbia and look at a  sance music performance and the
        classroom application through a per-  application of  those skills to the  Edward Maclary, presenter
        sonal case study. Session participants  performance  of  contemporary
        will receive all pedagogical materials  choral music will be explored di- Jason Max Ferdinand, presider
        and a list of repertoire by representa-  rectly in this session. Participants  University of Maryland
        tive composers and arrangers.      will discover that the music of the
                                           sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
        Mariana Romero Serra, presenter    provides choral musicians with the
                                           tools, both individual and ensemble,
        Sandra Snow, presider              needed to perform the repertoire of
        Michigan State University          the past seventy-five years artistically,

           Continuing                                                     Afterword by Anton Armstrong
                                                                              Foreword by André Thomas

                    the Quest:                                                     Editors & Interviewers:
                                                                                    Carole June Glenn
                                                                                    Michael Austin Miller

             Interviews with Outstanding Choral Conductors

           Charlene Archibeque
                                  William Hatcher        Sharon J. Paul        Available on
           Geoffrey Boers
                                  Charles C. Hirt
                                                         Doreen Rao
                                                         Jo-Michael Scheibe
           Elaine Brown
                                  Arthur E. Huff
           Ginger Covert Colla
                                  Joseph Huszti
                                                         Magen Solomon
           Walter Collins         J. Edmund Hughes       Robert Shaw                  Kindle $9.99
           Joan Catoni Conlon     Ann Howard Jones       Richard Sparks         Convention Price: $5.99*
           William Dehning        Lawrence Kaptein       Howard Swan

           Eph Ehly               Jameson Marvin         Karen Thomas
           Rodney Eichenberger    Jerry McCoy            Gary Unruh                Paperback $34.95
           Robert Fountain        Byron McGilvray        Randi Von Ellefson
           Vance George           Michael Austin Miller  David Wilson          Convention Price: $28.95*
           Jester Hairston        Richard Nance          Larry Wyatt
           Jane Skinner Hardester  John Nelson           Janet Yamron          *Discounted until March 31
           Robert A. Harris       Jerold Ottley

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            103
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