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            4  Leonard Bernstein: Crises of   tovich, Mykola Lysenko, and Hanna   12:35 PM - 1:25 PM
          Faith, and the Search for Place    Havriletz. Julia Zavadsky and Na-
                                             tasha Hirschhorn will share their
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           personal stories of living in and leav-  World Musics and Cultures
          South Meeting Rooms 230-233        ing Ukraine while celebrating the   R&R Forum
                                             present-day country that has been
            In 1977, Leonard Bernstein       recently teaching the world some   Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
          perhaps surprisingly stated, “The   hard-won lessons about democracy   Junior Ballroom B
          work I have been writing all my life   and heroism.
          is about… the crisis of our century,                                 Intercultural Communication
          a crisis of faith.” He embedded his   Julia Zavadsky and Natasha     in the Choral Setting
          views on this crisis into several of   Hirschhorn, presenters
          his major choral and vocal works,                                      This will be a forum where con-
          and simultaneously took up a search   Caron Daley, presider          ductors can share the various issues
          for  places of  sanctuary, evident in   Chair, National R&R for      and solutions they’ve encountered in
          his lyrics and pluralistic musical                                   incorporating world music into their
          language. Why does this matter to   College & University Choirs      teaching and performance repertoire.
          us in our own historical moment of                                   We hope to set out actionable plans
          cultural crises, reflections, revisions,                             to expand the culture bearer informa-
          and displacements from belonging?   12:00 PM - 12:50 PM              tion bank to aid authentic, culturally
          This session will offer an answer as                                 sensitive choral performances.
          we  review his music  and themes,   Exhibitor’s Showcase
          which remain as timely as ever.                                      Presenter: Madlen Batchvarova
                                             ECS Publishing Group
          Michael Slon, presenter
                                             Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           Interest Sessions
          Bonnie Tynch, presider             Meeting Rooms 260-262              Choose from five options
          State President, Virginia
                                             Sacred choral music from
                                             MorningStar music publishers.      1 Choral Techniques
           5  Soviet Past, Ukrainian Present:                                  for Pop A Cappella
          Journey through Choral Music                                         Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          of Ukraine                                                           North Meeting Rooms 201-204
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor                                               This session highlights and rein-
          South Meeting Rooms 263-264                                          forces the basic techniques choral

                                                                               educators need to consider when
            Two musicians born and raised                                      teaching vocal jazz and close har-
          in Kyiv, Ukraine, are inviting you                                   mony  repertoire  for  non-amplified
          to  explore  the musical  soundtrack                                 performance while maintaining
          of Ukrainian history, entwining folk                                 good vocal health. From the har-
          songs with classical and contempo-                                   monic theory needed to make a chord
          rary choral compositions, including                                  truly ring, to discovering a spectrum
          the works of Maksym Berezovsky,                                      of colours to employ within your
          Dmitri Bortnyansky, Mykola Leon-                                     ensemble’s sound, former King’s
          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            47
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