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“avenue of soul expression.” In this Interest Sessions stages is by women. This session
conversation, they discuss origins, Choose from four options seeks balance in “masterworks”
authenticity, performance practice, programming through the voices
vocal color, the oral tradition, and 1 Approaching Contemporary of women throughout history who
more. As they compare their rich Irish Choral Repertoire composed multi-movement choral
experiences, they bring both insight works. Repertoire for all voicings is
and humor to a probing analysis of Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor available, along with a variety of in-
this unique and important genre of South Meeting Rooms 263-264 strumentation options. Learn where
song. (Eileen Guenther and William to find these often-overlooked gems
Bradley Roberts, producers. Pro- What is Irishness? How does the and leave with a database containing
duced by Pendragwn Productions. Irish experience present itself in dozens of programming suggestions.
Sponsored by Melodious Accord.) contemporary Irish choral literature, Celebrate maestras like Isabella
and what are some effective rehears- Leonarda, Elfrida Andrée, and Un-
André Thomas and Alice Parker, al strategies to introduce students to dine Smith Moore through active
presenters the rich musical heritage of Ireland singing and listening as we discover
within the framework of culturally brilliant, under-programmed music
André Thomas, presider sustaining pedagogies? The aim of that will dazzle choristers and audi-
President, ACDA National this session is to highlight repre- ences alike.
sentative works of contemporary
Irish choral music, and to provide Jami Lercher and
conductors and music educators Christopher G. McGinley, presenters
1:35 PM - 2:25 PM with the knowledge and pedagogical
skills to effectively introduce this rep- Jeanne Wohlgamuth, presider
TTBB/Men’s ertoire to singers of diverse cultural State President-Elect, Ohio
R&R Deep Dive backgrounds. Attendees will have the
opportunity to sing through folksong
Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor arrangements and newly composed 3 Supportive Environment for the
Junior Ballroom B works, with sample scores and lesson Next Generation of Choral Educators
plans provided.
Come take a “deeper dive” Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
into selected titles featured on the Kevin Boushel, presenter North Meeting Room 206
Tenor-Bass/Men’s virtual reading Wendy Moy, presider
session. We will hear from some of Teaching K-12 choral music is
the composers of these pieces and Member, National Standing Com- a rewarding experience. However,
explore practical rehearsal strategies mittee for International Activities it can also be filled with challenges.
for working with tenor-bass voices at This session will examine how we can
all levels.
2 Major Maestras— cultivate a supportive environment
Multi-Movement Choral Works for the next generation of choral
Presenter: Dustin Cates teachers. Panelists will discuss issues
by Women
Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor related to mentoring K-12 singers
who might be interested in choral
South Meeting Rooms 230-233 teaching. Additional discussion will
focus on providing insights to those
A recent NPR study shows only 2% who teach vocal music education
of music on professional concert majors and observe student teaching
CHORAL JOURNAL February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book Volume 63 Number 6 105