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          Ralf Schmitt                      I en polles amarties (The Fallen Woman)   out  some  techniques  to  empower
          Santa Barbara Music Publishing    St. Kassiani                       your singers to become the best ver-
                                            Public Domain                      sion of themselves.
          De profundis
          Gyöngyösi Levente                 Meerfey from                       Presenters: Rob Dietz,
          Kontrapunkt Music, Ltd. (Hungary)  “6 Romanzen für Frauenstimmen”    Kelsey Burkett, and Tyler Domer
                                            Robert Schumann
                                            ed. Clara Schumann
           3:30 PM - 4:00 PM                Public Domain                       Junior High/Middle School

                                            Jainism from “This Love Between Us”   R&R Forum
           3 The University of Akron        World Premiere Manuscript
          Chamber Choir                     Reena Esmail                       Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Marie Bucoy-Calavan, conductor                North Meeting Rooms 201-204

          Be Like the Bird                  Itken pois                         Fixer Upper - Choir Edition
          Abbie Betinis                     Anna-Mari Kähärä
          Abbie Betinis Music Co.           Sula Sol                             Feeling like your program needs
                                            North American Premiere            to be renovated? Since COVID has
          Like Moons and Like Suns, I’ll Rise                                  hit us, we’ve seen so many programs
          Mickey McGroarty                  desert song (she’s calling)
          Unpublished                       säje                               suffer. In this session, Clinton Hardy
                                                                               will be leading you through how to
          “An Die Heimat”                                                      face  challenges  that  programs  have
          from Drei Quartette, Op.64, no. 1  I’m On My Way                     encountered and will give you a solid
          Johannes Brahms                   Anthony Trecek-King                foundation for repairing your JH/
          Greystone Press                   Walton Music                       MS choir program. Join a journey for
                                                                               creating a DIY rebuilding project that
          The New Colossus                                                     you can take back home with you!
          Saunder Choi
          Saunder Choi Music                  2:40 PM - 3:30 PM
                                                                               Presenter: Clinton Hardy
          Ranpono                             Contemporary/Commercial
          Sydney Guillaume                    R&R Forum
          Sydney Guillaume Music                                                Interest Sessions
                                            Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor            Choose from three options
                                            Junior Ballroom B
            4:00 PM - 4:30 PM                                                   1
                                            Exploring the                         Let Vibrate! On Liberating the
           4 Missouri State University      Contemporary Aesthetic             Fullness of the Feminine Voice
          Women's Chorus                                                       Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Erin Plisco, conductor               Build a bridge between the tradi- South Meeting Rooms 263-264
                                            tional choral sound and contempo-
          Flight                            rary pop vocals in both the a cappella   As choral professionals we bear the
          Craig Carnelia                    and  show  choir  genres.  Experts  in  responsibility either to perpetuate a
          arr. Ryan Murphy                                                     standard of beauty at the expense of
          Walton Music                      both fields will offer a panel discus-
                                            sion as well as an opportunity to try  our singers or to refine our approach

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            107
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