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Friday, February 24                          Detailed Schedule

          where possible, composer comments  and excerpts of commissioned works.   3  Contemporary German
          about their repertoire.           Reginald  Wright  and  Julio  Morales   Choral Music
                                            will be co-presenters.
          Presenter: Matt Hill                                                 Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                            Frank F. Eychaner, presenter       South Meeting Rooms 263-264

                                            University of Texas Permian Basin
           Interest Sessions                Choirs, Insight Choir                 What choral works by diverse liv-
           Choose from five options                                            ing composers in Germany should

                                            Brandon Boyd, presider             American conductors and teachers
                                                                               know? How are German choral
           1  Choir and Composer            Member, National Standing          directors finding repertoire by com-
          Collaborations—Commissioning      Committee for Composition Initiatives  posers from historically excluded
          as a Cultural Bridge                                                 groups?  In  recent  years, Germany
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor           2  Choral Songs from the African   has experienced profound demo-
                                                                               graphic  shifts due  to  immigration.
          Junior Ballroom D                 Diaspora in Latin America          How has this impacted the choral
                                            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           experience and repertoire selection
            The University of Texas Perm-                                      for German choirs? For this session
          ian Basin Choirs commission four to   South Meeting Rooms 230-233    we welcome ACDA’s seven guest
          eight new works each year. Composer                                  conductors chosen by the German
          collaborators are chosen for their   From the sixteenth to the nine-  Choral Organization as participants
          excellence and for their ability to  teenth centuries, African people were  in ACDA’s International Conductor
          bring a different lived experience to  involuntarily brought to the “New  Exchange. They will present a variety
          the ensemble through their music.  World.” After their arrival, their Af-  of new choral music from their home
          Because the University is a Hispanic  rican cultures mixed with the local  country for all types of choirs.
          Serving Institution, about half of the  cultures in which they landed and
          commissions are collaborations with  new forms of music sprouted. With   John Warren and Jan Schumacher,
          Hispanic composers of the United  the recent reckoning in our music and   presenters
          States and Latin American coun-   choral education circles, it is time to
          tries. Recent collaborators include  start acknowledging and celebrating
          Reginald  Wright, Eduardo Cota  the  significant  contributions  of  the
          Magallanes, and Julio Morales.    African diaspora in Latin America  4  In Her Voice: Women in
            The thread that connects all of  in our choral world. In this lecture/ Musical Leadership
          these  collaborations  is  the  reality  reading session, participants will learn   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          that there are incredible composers  different  choral  arrangements  and
          from underrepresented groups that  about the cultures that contributed to   North Meeting Room 206
          are waiting to be “discovered.” Their  the creation of the music, its sounds,
          music is unique as they are unique.  and musical instruments.           How do we create a space for
          This session will detail the process                                 women of all levels in the profession
          of commissioning and premiering.   Diana V. Sáez, Suzzette Ortiz, and   of choral music to connect and look
          Specific attention will be given to de-  Juan Tony Guzmán, presenters   forward, together? Choral conduc-
          veloping an experiential understand-  Jessica Nápoles, presider      tors and composers share a variety
          ing of composer’s cultural and lived                                 of experiences, but each has their
          experience. The UTPB University   Chair, National Standing Committee   own story. These stories deepen our
          Choir will perform  brief  selections   for Research & Publications  perspective and understanding. A

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