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Lifting Up the Littles  Highlighting your Youngest Singers Through Commissioned Works, Effective Rehearsal, and                            Performance Opportunities

           they emerged organically throughout the score study and   goals through kinesthetic connection?
           rehearsal process.                                       For example: in mm 11-15 of “Now We Have Rivers”
             The  first  step  to  creating  intentional  movement  as  a   (see Figure 3), the singers begin by crouching down slightly
           conductor is to know the score well. Sing through every   as they sing “clouds build,” stand and raise their arms along
           part multiple times and notice the many layers within each   with the crescendo. They also pulse their hands open on the
           phrase  (dynamics,  rhythm,  cut-offs,  text,  vocal  technique   beat to internalize the length of the note and to achieve an
           challenges, etc). Choose a phrase and focus on one musical   accurate cut-off.
           detail (perhaps dynamics first), loosen up and let yourself   You can repeat this process to try and work in as many
           move in a way that helps you physically emphasize that con-  musical concepts as possible. Prioritize which portions of the
           cept. Sing through again, focusing on a different musical   movement to keep or remove if it starts feeling too awkward
           detail and a different movement. Now, is there a way to   or becomes counterproductive for your singers. In the same
           combine those movements to help your singers with both   excerpt (“clouds build”), we began rehearsing starting with a

           ChorTeach   Volume 15 • Issue 1                                                 23                                                                                Fall 2022
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