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Part One:                         hearts, and much more. These qualities will certainly shine
                     Collaborative Commissioning                 through a musical project and highlight the organization or
             Commissioned works are usually reserved for the “top”   school as a whole. Additionally, younger singers are the fu-
          groups, but what if our kindergartners have this opportu-  ture older singers, and experiencing the sense of ownership
          nity? What if they get to feel the same excitement and sense   and validation that comes with a collaborative commission
          of ownership that comes with performing something that   project helps retain singers and parents. A commission for
          was created for and with them?                         elementary singers also provides an opportunity for growth
             In 2018, I was preparing for my master’s recital. At the   and impact beyond the particular ensemble; you are adding
          time, I conducted  the  Tucson Girls Chorus Bumblebee   a much-needed piece to the repertoire that can be utilized
          Singers  (grades K-1) and Mariposa Singers  (grades 6-8).   in any young choir.
          For the Mariposas, I had a hard time narrowing down rep-  One  of my colleagues  in my master’s program,  Matt
          ertoire since there is so much age-appropriate, high-quality,   Carlson,  happened  to be a great composer who was  in-
          engaging music available for middle school treble choirs.   terested in writing exactly that: accessible music for less-
          I encountered the opposite problem for the Bumblebees.   available voicings that was still just as crafted as the most
          While there are many accessible pieces out there for our   complex SATB divisi piece. Matt’s skills and aesthetic were
          youngest singers, I personally found too many of them to   just as much an impetus for this project as the need for a
          be either formulaic, intentionally silly, or in need of much   great Bumblebee piece.  If  you  don’t already have  a  col-
          adaptation to actually work for the group. There is nothing   league in mind as a composer for your commissioning proj-
          wrong with programming silly songs or pieces with similar   ect, reach out to other children’s choirs, your state ACDA
          forms (and I do program these things!). For this situation,   board, or a local college or university. (You could also reach
          however, I was looking for something that would engage   out to Matt!) Chances are, somebody knows somebody who
          the Bees on a different level.                         would be a good fit. Be sure to listen to some of the com-
             Depending on your situation, you may need to advocate   poser’s previous works to get a feel for their style.
          for a commission. In my case, the TGC Director (Dr. Mar-  For “Now We Have Rivers,” Matt and I were both open
          cela Molina) was fully open to the idea from the start. If your   to each other’s input throughout the process. He was the
          administration or director needs some convincing, you can   expert in composition; I was the expert in exactly what my
          emphasize the huge potential and unique skills that young-  choir needed to be successful. We also agreed that this piece
          er singers possess—their imagination, energy, openness, big   must be well crafted and provide a vehicle for the Bees to

          2021-2022 Tucson Girls Chorus Bumblebee Singers. Reprinted with permission.
          Jess Edelbrock, Conductor; Nicky Manlove, Accompanist; Rosemarie Spece, Rehearsal Assistant

           ChorTeach   Volume 15 • Issue 1                                                 19                                                                                Fall 2022
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