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Lifting Up the Littles  Highlighting your Youngest Singers Through Commissioned Works, Effective Rehearsal, and                            Performance Opportunities

          creates a three-part harmony (the Bumblebees omitted the   • Choosing what the piece is about
          G-sharp; the open fifth was enough of a challenge for this
          group).                                                • Choosing specific musical elements, like which percus-
                                                                   sion instruments to include

            So now you are ready to commission a piece for your   • Composing the first line of the melody for the composer
          elementary-age group! As you work with the composer, you   to draw from
          can specify or have conversations about the following:
                                                                 • Choosing the overall form of the piece
          • Vocal range

                                                                                      Part Two:
          • Special musical elements (e.g., adding body percussion,
          highlighting an instrumentalist from one of your groups)            Singer-friendly Rehearsals
          • Musical concepts to focus on
                                                                    Many of us utilize movement in the rehearsal to attain
          • Voicing strategies for successful two- or three-part sing-  and reinforce musical concepts, to increase student engage-
           ing                                                   ment, and to help unlock healthy sounds through connec-
                                                                 tion with the body. These movements are often dropped for
          • Accompaniment style                                  the performance or turned into “choralography” that has
                                                                 less to do with the desired musical effect. However, creating
          • Flexibility: what options are there to simplify the piece   movement that both aids the singer and works for the stage
           further if needed?                                    is essential for nearly every piece the Bees rehearse and per-
                                                                 form. This approach serves many purposes: harnessing the
          Here are some ideas for involving your singers in the pro-  group’s energy, increasing focus, allowing space for singer
          cess:                                                  input and creativity, and providing consistency between re-
                                                                 hearsal and performance spaces.
          • Writing lyrics through individual submissions or as a   Specific movements within “Now We Have Rivers” were
           group project
                                                                 developed to encourage specific tone, articulation, rhythm,
                                                                 and dynamics. They are not written into the score; rather,

          ChorTeach   Volume 15 • Issue 1                                                   22                                                                                Fall 2022
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