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bility to identify where you will be traveling and to take   ers or medical professionals about the correct way to
        the initiative to find out what laws are currently on the   refer to your singer. You may need to step in as their
        books. While as directors, we never anticipate there to   advocate until their emergency contact arrives or can
        be legal issues on trips for our singers, particularly for   be reached.
        such benign matters as medications or rest stops, it is   There are also multiple states that have passed legis-
        always best to be prepared.                         lation that allow religiously affiliated hospitals or doc-
                                                            tors to deny care based on religious beliefs.  It may seem
                                                            hypothetical or hyperbolic, but being denied medical
        Have a plan for bathroom and dressing rooms for every planned   treatment because of gender identity is a very real pos-
        stop—and do your best to prepare for the unplanned ones as well.  sibility for TGE people. While this situation is one that
                                                            will most likely be dealt with by the singer’s emergency
           Pre-planning bathroom and dressing room logistics   contact, there is a chance you may encounter this, es-
        is especially important  when traveling  in states  that   pecially if the contact is temporarily unreachable. Try
        have, or will soon have, active laws that prohibit TGE   to consider how you would handle this event if it were
        people from using the bathroom that match their gen-  to occur.
        der identity instead of their ASAB. For any stop in your
        itinerary, you should make sure that your TGE singers
        will have a place to take care of bathroom or clothes-       Examining the Pros and Cons
        changing needs. This may entail specifically choosing          of TGE Rooming Options
        venues, restaurants, or gas stations that have gender-  There are multiple options available when it comes
        neutral, single-stall, or family bathrooms. Or perhaps it   to the rooming assignments for TGE singers. Each of
        means having somebody ensure that a gendered public   the following options have their own pros and potential
        bathroom or changing space is empty before the TGE   cons attached to them, many of which are dependent
        singer goes in—though this is a notably unsubtle and   on your specific context. The following list of rooming
        potentially embarrassing option. Sometimes, no action   options is not exhaustive, but I believe it accounts for
        is needed at all, as sometimes TGE people can exist   the majority of contexts and offers a realistic and prag-
        without others in public realizing their identity. As the   matic lens to rooming for our TGE singers. It is imper-
        first guiding principle states, try to make sure you pri-  ative that you weigh these options with your singer to
        vately create a plan with your TGE singer ahead of   determine the best solution. Typically, I work with the
        time for various stops. This will allow the TGE singer   TGE singer  to determine their  rooming placement/
        to navigate these stops with discretion and dignity.  assignment first before I open rooming selections for
                                                            other students. This allows them to be with friends or
                                                            peers they will feel safe with and minimizes the risk of
        Be aware of  any pertinent emergency information as needed.  being in a private room where they could be harmed
                                                            emotionally or physically.
           No director wants to have an emergency situation   I should also preemptively note here that many par-
        occur while on a trip. Life doesn’t always adhere to this   ents, guardians, or  administrators still  view rooming
        plan,  and sometimes  emergencies  happen.  For  TGE   through an antiquated heteronormative lens, in which
        people, emergencies, particularly the medical ones, can   “impropriety” typically only  occurs  when sexes are
        be fraught with potential challenges. Often, the name   mixed in a room. This means that some believe, regard-
        or pronouns that a TGE person uses do not match the   less of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity,
        name or gender  listed  on their  legal documentation   if somebody was Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB) and
        or health insurance. Make sure to prepare yourself by   they are in a room where the others were Assigned Fe-
        knowing what  name/gender is listed  on these  docu-  male at Birth (AFAB), there is  inherently something
        ments and be ready to discretely educate first respond-  wrong or improper about this because “men” or “boys”

        CHORAL JOURNAL  November/December 2024                                                                 Volume 65  Number 4            57
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