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From the                                                                     NATIONAL OFFICERS


                                                                                 DAVID FRYLING
                              I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Choir
                           is Community. And Community only exists where
                           there is Belonging. Whether it’s coming together in   VICE PRESIDENT
                           song, collaborating  with composers and other  col-     EDITH COPLEY
                           leagues, or sharing moments of discovery in our mu-
                           sical journey with our students, we thrive as choral   PRESIDENT-ELECT
           David Fryling   artists only when we create spaces where others feel      PEARL SHANGKUAN
                           that they are seen and that they belong.   
          Every year our national and regional conferences serve as pinnacle ex-
        periences, bringing us physically together to celebrate, learn, and inspire.   SECRETARY/TREASURER
        Our horizons are broadened and our assumptions are challenged as we      TOM MERRILL
        each in our own way search not only for inspiration but also for affinity at
        these events. And, of course, the face time we are gifted with our various   PAST PRESIDENT
        “relatives” within our ACDA family is an even deeper treasure in our post-     ANDRÉ THOMAS
        2020 world.                                                   
          But let me remind you—ACDA is so much more than a single yearly
        event. The other 360 days of the year ACDA offers a wealth of opportuni-  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
        ties for professional growth, networking, and service; including:        ROBYN HILGER
             • Regional and state summer programs designed to enrich and      NATIONAL R&R CHAIR
                rejuvenate each of us
                                                                                 GRETCHEN HARRISON
             • Webinars targeted to specific genres and topics of interest

             • Local reading sessions and retreats, offering the chance to engage   EASTERN REGION PRESIDENT
                with your hometown colleagues while exploring new repertoire      AMANDA HANZLIK
                and rehearsal techniques                               
             • This journal, which holds so much knowledge, experience, and
                wisdom between every one of its covers                        MIDWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
                                                                                DERRICK FOX
             • Whatever we can dream up next, together!
          Our work as choral artists is deeply meaningful and profoundly import-  NORTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        ant, and our strength is only as potent as the diversity of voices, ideas, and      STEVEN ZIELKE
        experience we amplify. In this month’s journal you will find several ways
        to add your voice (or nominate someone else’s) to our mission, including:
                                                                              SOUTHERN REGION PRESIDENT
             • A call for nominations to the Research & Publications Committee     JEFFERY AMES
             • A call for nominations for the Julius Herford Dissertation Prize
             • A call for applications the the 2026 International Conductors    SOUTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
                Exchange Program (ICEP)                                          JONATHAN D. OWEN
          You matter deeply to the continued pursuit of ACDA’s vision to “Create
        powerful artistic experiences and be advocates for cultural and education-  WESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        al change that we might transform people’s lives.” We do this by getting          JULIE DANA
        involved, amplifying each other’s voices, and embracing the full scope of
        what belonging to ACDA already means, and what it might look like in the   INDUSTRY ASSOCIATE REPRESENTATIVE
                                                                                 OLIVER SCOFIELD
                                                                                 KI Concerts
        CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025                      Volume 65  Number 7           3
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