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                                              BY COMMUNITY

                                                                  WRITING MUSIC

                        IN THE SACRED HARP TRADITION

                                                                           Lily M. Hammond

                                                                           Abigail C. Cannon

                                                                   Esther M. Morgan-Ellis

             n many choral  traditions, compositions  are    perfected performance, is to facilitate a fulfilling
             crafted  with  the  expectation  that  an  experi-  and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
         Ienced group of musicians will give a rehearsed     In this article, we  will  outline  how the  commu-
          and polished performance for an audience. In the   nity-based  nature  of  shape-note  singing  affects
          shape-note  tradition,  however, there  are  no re-  the contents of contemporary compositions, de-
          hearsals or  audiences; rather, the  singers, all  of   termines  composers’  philosophies,  and  influenc-
          whom  have varying  levels of experience, make     es singers’ engagement with new musical works.
          music for each other. Sitting in a square and fac-  This research  draws from interviews  with  three
          ing one another, they sing song after song, some-  shape-note composers, a review of historical and
          times for hours, without ever revisiting a selection.   recent writings about shape-note singing, and the
          The goal of the singers, rather than to render a   authors’ experiences as shape-note singers.

        CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025                                                                                   Volume 65  Number 7           7
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