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Contents March/April 2025/Volume 65, Number 7
6 Compositions Shaped by Community:
Writing Music in the Sacred Harp Tradition
by Lily M. Hammond, Abigail C. Cannon, and Esther M. Morgan-Ellis
24 Serge Jaroff’s Don Cossack Choir:
A Treasure from the Russian Diaspora
by Donna Arnold
35 Choral Conversations
A Conversation with Pearl Shangkuan
with Mary Tuuk Kuras
41 Research Report
Annual dues (includes subscription to the Choral Teach Expression First! Applying Research Results to the Rehearsal
Journal): Active $125, Industry $150, Institutional
$135, Retired $45, and Student $15. Library by Rebecca L. Atkins and Craig R. Hurley
annual subscription rates: U.S. $75; Canada $80; 49 On the Voice
International $170. Single Copy Issues US/Canada:
$9; International: $20. Circulation: 13,000. Main Creating a Tapestry of Color: Mindfully Approaching Choral Tone
office: 405-232-8161 by Emily Frizzell
The Choral Journal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is issued
monthly except for April, July, and December by the 57 Lift Every Voice
American Choral Directors Association. Periodicals Accessible & Beautiful: Reflections from Our 2023 ACDA National
postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and ad- Conference Insight Session
ditional mailing office.
by Edryn J. Coleman
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Choral Journal, PO Box 1705, Oklahoma City, 63 ACDA Archives at the University of Illinois
Oklahoma 73101-1705. Urbana-Champaign: Not-So-Hidden Treasures
by Hilary Apfelstadt
Since 1959, the Choral Journal has been the refereed,
international journal of the American Choral Directors News
Association. Each issue features: scholarly articles,
anonymously peer-reviewed by the editorial board; 23 Julius Herford Prize Call for Nominations
refereed articles on pedagogical or scientific issues for
the choral conductor; refereed articles with practical 33 2026 Intern’l Conductors Exchange Program Call for Applications
advice and ideas for the choral conductor; reviews of 34 In Memoriam - Anthony T. Leach
books, recorded sound, and choral works by choral
experts; and editorials from association leadership. 40 IJRCS Announcements
The January issue previews each year’s regional or 56 Research & Publications Standing Committee Call for Members
national conference offerings. Articles from the Choral
Journal can be found in the following online databases: 72 2025 National Conference Student Masterclass Participants
JSTOR (Arts & Sciences XI Collection); ProQuest 75 2025 Summer Festival and Workshop Listings
(International Index to Music Periodicals); University
Microfilms International; NaPublishing; RILM
(Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale); Editorial
EBSCO music index; and WorldCat. Advertising
options are available for members and nonmembers. 2 From the Executive Director
Cover art by Efrain Guerrero. Interior art by Tammy 3 From the President
Brummell. Musical examples by Tunesmith Music
<>. Copyright 2025. 4 From the Editor