Page 49 - CJMarch_April25
P. 49                  Laine Chapman, “Changing Learners: The Nature of
         2  Émile Jaques-Dalcroze, Rhythm, Music & Education. Trans.   Expertise in Music Teaching.” Collected Work: Advances in
            Harold  F. Rubenstein. Revised Ed. (Dalcroze  Society,   Social-Psychology  and  Music  Education  Research  (2011):  29-
            1967).                                              38; Robert A. Duke and A. L. Simmons, “The Nature
          3  Cornelia Yarbrough, “Sequencing Musical Tasks: The Teach-  of Expertise:  Narrative Descriptions  of 19 Common
            ing Artistry of Robert Shaw.” Update: Applications of  Research   Elements Observed in the Lessons of Three Renowned
            in Music Education 21, no. 1 (May 2002): 30–37.     Artist-Teachers.” Bulletin of  the Council for Research in Music
          Education, (2006): 7–19.
          4  Henry H. Leck, and Flossie L. Jordan, Creating Artistry through   11  “Explore the Works of Composer Allan Naplan.” Accessed
            Choral Excellence (Hal Leonard Milwaukee, WI, 2009);   October 14, 2024.
            Cornelia Watkins and Laurie Scott, From the Stage to the
            Studio: How Fine Musicians Become Great Teachers (New York:   12  Homeward Bound, words and music by Marta Keen, arr. Jay
            Oxford University Press, 2012).                     Althouse. Accessed October 14, 2024.
         5  Mary Goetze, Angela Broeker, and Ruth Boshkoff, “Educating
            Young Singers: A Choral Resource for Teacher-Conduc-  13  Watkins and Scott, From the Stage to the Studio, 104.
            tors” (New Palestine: Mj Publishing, 2011); Don L. Col-  14   Duke and Chapman, “Changing Learners”;  Duke and
            lins, Teaching Choral Music (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice   Simmons, “The Nature of Expertise”; Henninger, “The
            Hall, 1993); Ray Robinson and Allen Winold, The Choral   Nature of Expertise in Instrumental Music Settings.”
            Experience: Literature, Materials, and Methods (HarperCollins   15  Cox, “Effecting Change in the Choral Setting”; Duke and
            College, 1976).                                     Chapman, “Changing Learners”; Duke and Simmons,
         6  Craig R. Hurley and Rebecca L. Atkins, “The Effects of   “The Nature of Expertise”; Henninger, “The Nature of
            Sequence on Expressivity in Solo Singing of Young Voic-  Expertise in Instrumental Music Settings.”
            es.” Bulletin of  the Council for Research in Music Education, no.   16  Luciano Mariani, “Teacher  Support  and Teacher  Chal-
            236 (2023): 7–20.                                   lenge  in Promoting Learner Autonomy.”  Perspectives: A
          7  Craig R. Hurley, “The Effects of Rehearsal Sequence on the   Journal of  TESOL Italy, XXIII (2). 13, no. 2 (1997).
            Expressivity of  Children’s Choral Performance” (PhD   17  Erik Lindström, et al., “‘Expressivity Comes from within
            Thesis, University of Georgia, 2019); Craig R. Hurley and   Your Soul’: A Questionnaire Study of Music Students’
            Rebecca L. Atkins, “The Effects of Rehearsal Sequence   Perspectives on Expressivity.” Research Studies in Music Ed-
            on the Musical Expressivity of Young Voices” International   ucation 20, no. 1 (June 2003): 23–47.
            Journal of  Research in Choral Singing 10 (2022): 1–28.  1177/1321103X030200010201.
          8  Craig R. Hurley and Rebecca L. Atkins, “The Effects of Mod-  18  Hurley and Atkins, “The Effects of Modeling and Sequence
            eling and Sequence on the Expressivity of Young Voices”   on the Expressivity of Young Voices”; Hurley, “The Ef-
            Update: Applications of  Research in Music Education, (May 13,   fects of Rehearsal Sequence on the Expressivity of Chil-
            2024).   dren’s Choral Performance”; Hurley and Atkins, “The
         9  Craig R. Hurley and Rebecca L. Atkins, “The Effects of   Effects of Sequence on Expressivity in Solo Singing of
            Movement as a Kinesthetic Support on the Expressive   Young Voices”; Hurley and Atkins, “The Effects of Re-
            Performance of Young Singers,” (Manuscript submitted   hearsal Sequence on the Musical Expressivity of Young
            for publication).                                   Voices.”
        10  Katrina  A.  Cox,  “Effecting  Change  in  the  Choral  Set-
            ting.” (PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, 2019);
            Jacqueline C. Henninger, “The Nature of Expertise in
            Instrumental  Music  Settings:  A Comparative Analysis
            of Common  Elements  Observed in Band Rehearsals
            and Applied  Lessons.”  Journal  of  Band  Research 53, no.
            2 (Spring 2018): 48-62,  72; Robert  A. Duke and Da-

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