Page 46 - CJMarch_April25
P. 46
Research Report
3. Decode various rhythm flashcards using rhythm syl- 3. Conduct and speak (legato) the rhythm with preferred
lables. counting system and breathe at chosen places (pick note
up to 54-59). (repeat as needed)
4. Look at Figure 1 and read the rhythms of the melody
expressively. 4. Sing the tonic triad and starting pitch.
5. Reinforce expressive rhythm reading by adding kines- 5. Sing the solo line on a lip buzz with piano doubling
thetic supports: claps on the accents and legato hands on the part (if needed), breathing at the agreed upon places
the legato notes (as shown by a slur). through m 59.
6. Listen and apply teacher feedback on expression and 6. Sing again on a lip buzz, adding crescendo and decre-
repeat until successful. scendo, adding a movement flowing across the body fol-
lowing crescendo, changing directions at the breath and
7. Echo sing the melody on solfa, keeping rhythmic and showing the decrescendo.
expressive elements.
7. Sing again on a lip buzz, with movement and expres-
8. Echo speak text, still including expressive elements sion, no piano.
while following notation.
8. Sing on an [u] vowel with the connected legato line,
9. Echo sing text, still including expressive elements while and all expressive markings no piano.
following notation.
9. Sing on an [u] vowel in the same way with piano ac-
A choir who reads music fairly well, applies solfège companiment.
to octavos, and is able to hold harmonies between voice
parts could be successful using the following infused-ex- 10. Take 30 seconds to figure out the solfège in parts (m.
pression approach. To prime the students for the expres- 60-end) noting the dynamics and tempo changes.
sive elements, students would read the text only (no music
notation) of Homeward Bound (SATB, Alfred Publishing, 11. Practice singing on solfège with sections in circles, adding expression and tempo changes (2 minutes).
and discuss the meaning of the text and what expressive
elements they would expect to perform with this text. 12. Come together and sing as a group with expression
Then, students follow this sequence utilizing questions on solfège with piano.
and feedback interspersed throughout for successful ex-
ecution of the expressive elements and musical content. 13. Compare and contrast singing the end with and with-
out the optional breath and choose as a class.
Students will:
14. Sing ending with expressive qualities on lip buzz with
1. Look at the solo melody line on page 7 (last page) and piano support.
decide and mark where the breaths should be based on
the text and melodic line. (View a score preview at the 15. Sing ending with expression on an [u] vowel without
URL listed above) piano support
2. Justify those choices with neighbors and then discuss 16. Perform entire page with expression on [u] with all
how the tempo, meter, and dynamic changes at the end expressive qualities with accompaniment.
express the text and emotion.
44 CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025 Volume 65 Number 7