Page 38 - CJMarch_April25
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        CHORAL CON           VERSA     TION   S

        Now that you are no longer at Calvin University,    ers, especially those who are starting out, and creating
        you are rebalancing your professional endeav-       new series for the catalog to expand our resources for
        ors. What do you look forward to the most in        choirs of all types and levels.
        this new stage of your career?
                                                            Your work as chorus director of the Grand
           My  husband,  in jest,  predicted  (correctly)  that  I   Rapids Symphony requires you to prepare cho-
        would be even busier after letting go of my day job.   ruses for different styles of music and conduc-
        My travels for guest engagements nationally and inter-  tor expectations. How do you prepare for each
        nationally have increased significantly in recent years.   production to ensure the chorus is ready to be
        I truly enjoy traveling to all different places, interacting   turned over to the conductor of the production?
        with local choir directors, and learning about their cul-
        tures and their choral communities—appreciating the   Not only am I preparing the symphony chorus—a
        commonalities as well as each other’s struggles.    dedicated all-volunteer chorus that spans a wide range
           I continue to greatly enjoy my work as chorus direc-  of abilities  and  experience—to  know the  notes  and
        tor of the Grand Rapids Symphony and continue to    rhythm, but I also prepare them to be very flexible and
        grow in my work as editor of Hinshaw Music. This ed-  to respond to the conductor. This can be tricky, as we
        itor position allows me to “connect multiple dots” and   don’t see the conductor until the week of the perfor-
        have fun while at it! It gives me great satisfaction to be   mance. Except for only one time in two decades that
        able to provide a platform for composers and arrang-  I’ve been doing this, I have never received any advance

                 Angel City Chorale - Los Angeles
                 Competition for Young Composers


                 $3,500 prize
                 Open to ages 18-30
                 SATB & 3-5 minutes in length
                 No application fee

                 For details and information visit:

                                                                          Building Community Through Song

        36      CHORAL JOURNAL  March/April 2025                                               Volume 65  Number 7
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