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Anthony T. Leach
Dr. Anthony T. Leach passed away in Janu- dio, “I said I don’t have a choir, but I’ll ask kids
ary 2025 at the age of seventy-three. He was a who are associated with choirs to join me.” That
life member of ACDA and professor emeritus of group grew into Essence of Joy, which later be-
music and music education at Penn State Uni- came a course for Penn State students. He also
versity. Leach joined the faculty at Penn State in founded Essence of Joy Alumni Singers, which
1994 and became the second Penn State Univer- reunited singers from across the country for per-
sity Laureate, appointed in 2009. He was a Li- formances at conferences of all types, includ-
ons Paw honoree, received the PSU President’s ing ACDA, Ethnomusicology, and Bent but not
Award for Engagement with Students, the Fo- Broken.
rum on Black Affairs Humanitarian Award, and His choirs performed at festivals throughout
other awards and honors too numerous to list. the United States and Canada as well as around
Tony created Essence of Joy and the commu- the world, including England, Spain, China,
nity choir Essence 2, both of which specialize and South Africa. He will long be remembered
in spiritual and secular African American music. as a friend, leader, and mentor to those singers
He first formed Essence in response to a request whose lives he touched at Penn State. In addi-
for music performance for a Dr. Martin Luther tion, he was a known church musician in the DC
King Jr. banquet in 1991. As he recalled in a area, Pittsburgh, and at the University.
2014 interview with WPSU National Public Ra-
34 CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025 Volume 65 Number 7