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                                        A Conversation with Pearl Shangkuan

                                                with Mary Tuuk Kuras

                      Dr. Pearl Shangkuan is a highly sought-af-  a tour stands out as well—visiting the Great Wall of
                      ter conductor, lecturer, and clinician   China and singing Lift Thine Eyes by Felix Mendelssohn.
                      nationally and internationally. She is   Singing all over South Africa, including at Robben Is-
                      the current national president-elect of   land where Mandela was imprisoned for many years;
                      ACDA, and previously served on the    singing in an AIDS hospice; and singing and dancing
                      board of directors of Chorus America,   our way through airport security at the request of the
        and as president of Central ACDA Region and Michigan   airport personnel! Singing in a very poor church in the
        ACDA. She is the chorus director of the Grand Rap-  township of Soweto—a two-hour-long service in a sim-
        ids Symphony, editor of Hinshaw Music, and professor   ple structure that was their church building and yet one
        emerita of music at Calvin University. She has conducted   of the most powerful glimpses of heaven for my stu-
        numerous all-states and headlined several ACDA confer-  dents and me. My students singing in a favela (slum) in
        ences. She has received awards from Michigan ACDA,   Brazil and seeing the pride on the faces of the Brazilian
        Michigan YWCA, Calvin University, and an Honorary   children who sang for us.
        Life Member Award from the National Collegiate Choral   Introducing my students and leading them in per-
        Organization.                                       forming movements of the monumental B minor Mass
                                                            by Bach. Hosting residencies at  Calvin of the  Bach
                                                            Collegium  Japan, Stephen Paulus, Moses  Hogan,
        In 2024, you stepped down as professor of mu-       Dan Forrest, and bringing in guest conductors for my
        sic at Calvin University. What aspect of your       students to experience  like Anton Armstrong, Maria
        outstanding tenure there makes you smile most       Guinand, and my  own teacher, Joseph Flummerfelt.
        as you reflect on your work?                        Commissioning new works and bringing these to life.
                                                            In all these experiences, the underlying goal of helping
           Taking my choirs on international tours to four con-  to broaden the minds and hearts of my students was
        tinents! I have so many wonderful memories of concerts   ultimately met.
        in amazing venues. But the spontaneous singing during

        CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025                                                                                   Volume 65  Number 7           35
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