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           The  Don  Cossacks  were  popular  in  the  United   rope. These supporters set them up as a resident choir
        States for many years, and from 1943 on were Ameri-  at a factory in France and provided financial support
        can citizens. Although they are still revered in Western   for their travel. On their way, however, they ran out of
        Europe,  especially  in  Germany,  in  the  United  States   money in Vienna. They abandoned the plans for France
        they largely faded from public awareness after Jaroff’s   and held a concert at Vienna’s elegant Hofburg Palace
        death in October 1985 at the age of eighty-nine.    on  July  4,  1923. A  large  audience  attended,  mainly
           Interest  in  Russian  choirs  has  grown  considerably   out of curiosity. Dressed in their ragged uniforms, the
        since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. This has   men opened with Rachmaninov’s “Тебе поем” [Tebe
        brought  renewed  attention  to  the  Don  Cossacks  in   poem], known in English as “We Sing to Thee.” Ini-
        Europe, but as yet they have received little attention   tially there was silence, but soon the audience erupted
        in America. Thanks to recent efforts in Germany and   into thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers.  Of-
        the Netherlands, reissues of their recorded and filmed   fers poured in from many other cities and countries,
        legacy have become readily accessible on the Internet.   and they began touring widely in the non-Soviet world
        The following narrative explores the choir’s history, the   with spectacular success. New recruits, mostly from the
        nature of its music, and Jaroff’s life.             émigré community, enabled them to continue touring
                                                            for nearly sixty years. They eventually gave over ten
                                                            thousand concerts. Countless newspaper reviews from
                      Founding the Choir                    the United States and Europe document their brilliant
           The  Cossacks  were  a  cultural  group  known  and   career. 8
        feared for their military prowess who had served the
        Tsar for centuries. They joined the White Army, which
        opposed the Red Army of the Bolsheviks in the Russian          Serge Jaroff: Background
        Civil War, and surprisingly, were decisively defeated in   Unknown to the choir’s fans, Jaroff was not born a
        Crimea. They were forced into exile in late 1920, and   Cossack. He was born March 20, 1896, to an ordinary
        thousands were transported to a concentration camp in   merchant family in the small town of Makariev, a few
        the village of Çilingir near Istanbul, Turkey. 1    hundred miles from Moscow, which is nowhere near
           Against all odds, it was there that the Don Cossack   the Don River. His father planned to send him to a
        Choir was born. When a cholera epidemic broke out   business school, but at age ten the musically gifted boy
        in the camp and despair deepened, the commanding    won a scholarship to study at the Synodal School of
        officer ordered that a choir be formed to raise morale   Church Singing in Moscow, the main center of teach-
        by  singing  for  Russian  Orthodox  services.  Serge  Ja-  ing for Russian Orthodox Church Music at that time. 9
        roff, a graduate of Moscow’s famous Synodal School   As a member of its famous choir, Jaroff participated
        of Church Singing, was the only professional musician   in many performances in Russia and abroad. He was
        there and thus was ordered to conduct it. 2         undoubtedly given an excellent music and general ed-
           Jaroff assembled thirty-six of the best singers from   ucation there, but reports indicate that he had been a
        the  Cossack  regimental  choirs.  He  provided  reper-  poor student. 11
        toire for them from memory because no scores were     After  graduation  in  1917,  he  attended  a  Moscow
        available, held rigorous rehearsals, and in a matter of   military  school  just  as  the  Russian  Revolution  was
        months polished them to a high level of artistry. Even-  underway. Eventually he joined a Cossack unit in the
        tually  liberated  in  Bulgaria,  the  men  stayed  together   civil war even though he looked nothing like the typ-
        and became the resident (although unpaid) choir at the   ical  formidable  Cossack  warrior.  He  had  a  youthful
        Russian embassy’s small church in Sofia, where their   appearance, was thin, and was of very short stature,
        beautiful singing attracted large crowds.           being only 4 feet 10.5 inches tall. Nevertheless, he was
           Influential supporters encouraged the impoverished   commissioned  a  lieutenant  and  served  valiantly  in  a
        men to undertake a professional career in western Eu-  Cossack machine gun corps. 12

        26      CHORAL JOURNAL  March/April 2025                                               Volume 65  Number 7
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