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2025 ACDA National Conference                                                 March 18-22, 2025                                              Dallas, Texas

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     Concert Events (Purple Track, Orange Track, Both Tracks)
        award shows, including the Latin Grammys, and have   Music at Luther College, where he served as conductor
        been featured at various conferences and halls around   of the renowned Nordic Choir. From 2000 to 2010 he
        the country. Ellis travels as a soloist and alto with the   was the director of choral activities at Sam Houston
        Jason Max Ferdinand Singers. She also serves as the   State University. Hightower serves at Stonebriar Com-
        World  Musics  &  Cultures  Coordinator  for  Southern   munity Church in Frisco, Texas.
        ACDA and is the MAS 2025 Teacher of the Year.
                                                                            Concert Session E
                     University of North Texas
                         A Cappella Choir                               Friday 10:15 am - 12:15 pm
                                                                        Meyerson Symphony Center
                                                                         Friday 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
                                                                          Winspear Opera House
                                                                          Linn-Mar High School
                                                                             Chamber Singers

           The University of North Texas A Cappella Choir
        is the  premier  ensemble  of the  UNT Choral  Stud-
        ies program comprising nine choirs. The A Cappella
        Choir has had a distinguished history  of conductors
        that include Wilfred Bain, Frank McKinley, Hal Gib-
        bons,  Mel  Ivey,  Jerry  McCoy,  and  Allen  Hightower.
        The A Cappella Choir frequently performs at regional,
        national, and international conferences. Engagements
        include Southwest ACDA (2022), TMEA (2020), and        Chamber  Singers  is  the  forty-two-voice  advanced
        National ACDA (1999, 2005, 2013, and 2021). A Cap-  mixed choir from Linn-Mar High School in Marion,
        pella Choir serves as the core of the UNT Grand Cho-  IA.  This  ensemble  is  one  of  seven  total  curricular
        rus, performing major choral-orchestral repertoire.  choirs that serve the 400 students enrolled in choir at
                                                            Linn-Mar. Over 750 students are enrolled in at least
                    Allen Hightower is the director of choral   one  of  sixteen  ensembles  offered  in  the  choir,  band,
                    studies at the University of North Texas,   and orchestra departments. Chamber Singers focuses
                    where he leads the master’s and doctoral   on exposing audiences to a rich and diverse repertoire
                    programs in choral conducting and con-  of styles, stories, and experiences. The choir enjoys ex-
                    ducts the A Cappella Choir, Vox Aquilae,   periencing new and emerging works from composers
        and Grand Chorus. Prior to his appointment at UNT,   all over the globe in addition to classic repertoire from
        Hightower held the Weston Noble Endowed Chair in    the renaissance to the twentieth century.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                                                                      Volume 65  Number 5           29
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