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Choral Vibrato: The Hundred Years’ War

         2006, Noël Archambeault, “On the Voice: “Come on-a My   2016, Steve Austin, “Vibrato by the Seashore”
         House”: An Invitation to Vocal Jazz for Classical Singers”

         2007, Rebecca Sherburn-Bly, “On the Voice: Straight Tone in   2019, Scott McCoy, “Reinventing the Wheel”
         the Choral Arts: A Simple Solution”

         2008, Ingo R. Titze, “Getting the Most from the Vocal
         Instrument in a Choral Setting”

         2013, John Nix, “New Voices in Research: Vibrato and
         Non-vibrato Singing: Who Teaches it? How Do They Teach it?
         Does it Make a Difference?”

         2013, Donald C. Freed, review of The Solo Singer in the
         Choral Setting, by Margaret Olson

         2014, Sharon Hansen, et. al., “Choral Directors are from
         Mars and Voice Teachers are from Venus: ‘Sing from the
         Diaphragm’ and other Vocal Mistructions: Part 2”

         2021, Danya Katok, “Healthy Minimization of Vibrato: An
         Exploration of ‘Straight Tone’”

             Options for Late Renaissance Vocal Music,” Choral Jour-  41.
             nal 48, no. 1 (2007): 24-35.                   10  Scott McCoy, “The Choir Issue, Part 1,” Journal of  Singing
          Andrew Schmidt, “Singing scientifically: A content analy-  67, no. 3 (2011): 297-301.
             sis of Choral Journal and science-based discussion of the   11  John Nix, “New Voices in Research: Vibrato and Non-vi-
             voice,” International Journal of  Research in Choral Singing 10   brato Singing: Who Teaches It? How Do They Teach
             (2022): 163-180.                                   it? Does it Make a Difference?” Choral Journal 53, no. 9
          Sarah Brailey, “One of the most striking takeaways from yes-  (2013): 57-66; Sharon Hansen, Allen Henderson, Scott
             terday’s ACDA sessions,” Facebook, February 25, 2023.   McCoy, Donald Simonson, and Brenda Smith, “Choral
                          Directors are from Mars and Voice Teachers are from
          John Nix, “Shaken, not stirred: Practical ideas for addressing   Venus: ‘Sing from the diaphragm’ and other vocal mis-
             vibrato and nonvibrato singing in the studio and the cho-  tructions: Part 2,” Choral Journal 54, no. 11 (2014): 47-53.
             ral rehearsal,” Journal of  Singing 70, no. 4 (2014): 411-418.  12  Bernard Regier, Vernon  H. Opheim, and B. Fred Wise,
          Carl E. Seashore,  The  Vibrato (Iowa City: University  of   “The individual voice in the choral ensemble: Sympo-
             Iowa Press, 1932), as cited in Steve Austin, “Vibrato by   sium at  1:30 general  session,  Wednesday, March 14,
             the Seashore,” Journal of  Singing 72, no. 4 (2016): 491-  1962, Chicago national conference” Choral Journal 2, no.
             496.  by the   5 (1962): 12-15, 30; Gayle Walker, “Good vibrations: Vi-
             Seashore.-a0446470933.                             brato, Science, and the Choral Singer” Choral Journal 47,
          Perry Smith, “Balance or Blend? Two Approaches to Choral   no. 6 (2006): 36-46; Ingo R. Titze, “Getting the Most”;
             Singing,” Choral Journal 43, no. 5 (2002): 31-43.  Gerardo  Acosta  Martínez  and  Helena  Daffern,  “The
          Ingo R. Titze, “Getting the Most from the Vocal Instrument   role of vibrato in group singing.”
             in a Choral Setting,” Choral Journal 49, no. 5 (2008): 34-  13  Andrew Schmidt, 163-180.

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